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Liam's P.O.V

Two things I absolutely believe is vital. Looking presentable at all times, and always making a good first impression. Why you might ask?

Have you ever heard the saying "First impressions last"? Well, whoever said that deserves a fucking Nobel prize. The presentable part obviously refers to your clothing. Take a wild guess as to which one I'm lacking right now.

If I had to knock on Jacob's parents' door looking like this, they would give me something to eat, a couple of bucks and send me on my way muttering "you poor thing."

You might think I'm being dramatic, trust me I'm not. My clothes stink and have creases all over. Jacob wanted to buy me new clothes. At the mall. With people in it. People that like to judge. Assholes.

Whereas if we went to my house I would have been perfectly safe away from judging eyes, picking out something that I know would look good on me and not have to fit on every damn item to know.

The only thing stopping me from voicing these thoughts are fear of being humiliated. God knows he would enjoy spanking me like a 2-year-old but I absolutely would not. BDSM just isn't my thing.

Most of the time.

So picture a sulking borderline angry-looking teenager following his smiling like it's fucking Christmas boyfriend while he picks out clothes that belong on a male hooker.

"Jacob, for the last time. I cannot stand in front of your parents with booty shorts and a tank top on." I say aggravated

"Babe, you have no idea how hot you will look in this. Hell, I'm getting hard just thinking about it." He says while his head goes back and forth from me and the hooker clothes.

"Oww! Hey! It's true." He says honestly after I clap him at the back of his head.

"Jacob! Pick out something that looks presentable or I swear to the heavens above I will leave you here." I say seriously.

"Okay, okay fine. But I'm taking both. So you can look "presentable" when you meet my parents, but I want slutty cinderella when we get back." He says licking his lips.

"I'm not wearing that," I say flabbergasted.

He pouts.

I glare.

He adds the puppy eyes.

I borderline break.

His eyes well up.

"Fine! I'll wear your damn slutty costume. But if I see any pictures on your phone I will throw your phone so far into the ocean not even Moana will find it." I say.

"I knew it would work. I've been practicing that look since I was 3 and I saw a teenage mutant ninja turtle bike that I wanted." He says smugly.

"Hey, do you think if I use it again you would blow me in the changing room?" He asks curiously while we stand in the line.

"Say something like that again and I will make sure you won't have anything for me to blow," I say through clenched teeth.

"No! You wouldn't!" He says terrified while cupping his balls.

"Shhh keep it down. Your attracting attention." I hiss at him when we reach the counter.

"Good morning fine sir. How can I be of service." The girl says seductively.

Fine sir? Fine fucking sir?! Did she seriously just say that. What are we in world war 1?!

A Nerd At Heart {BoyxBoy}(#1 At Heart Series)//EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now