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School is boring as hell today. I mean I've been going from one class to the other like a zombie. I still had biology last period then, thank god, I'm done with this school for the day. I walk into class with only Mrs crouch present, what!?, don't be judging me because I'm early. You see how it feels to have people say "not so nice" things to you every time they see you, see how far you get, you cannot blame me for trying to decrease the seeing each other part.

I walk to my usual seat at the back and plop myself down. As I wait the students start to fill in and thankfully don't bother me.

The teacher hands out activities for us to do. I complete mine quickly, what can I say, being smart has its perks. I lay my head down and just wait for the bell to sound.

I hear someone open the door and people start murmuring. I look up out of pure curiosity and I notice that dirty blond hair. I immediately drop my head a little so he won't spot me. I mean am I in pre-school! "Excuse me, ma'am, sorry to intrude, but I seem to have gotten lost, you know the first day of school and everything." He says shyly while scratching his head. "Oh no I understand, you're not intruding." She says while blushing a little.

"I need help finding ummmm...." He scratches in his pocket. "Mr. Dick's class?" "Oh most certainly! I could get one of my students to show you there." She looks around the class and I instantly pray to the higher power above and all gods that she does NOT pick me.

"Oh yes, Mr cross do you mind taking," She looks at him.

"Jacob, Jacob Rush."He says with a smirk.

I hear a few girls giggle and murmur. I finally raise my head so he can see me. His eyes land on me and I swear I had a mini heart attack. I pray that he may forget about our little encounter, but it's very unlikely seeing as he gave a toothy grin when he spotted me.

"Ummm... I think it's best if someone else is to take Mr. Rush to his class." I reply without looking at him. "Oh but you are done with your activity aren't you?" She asks. "I am but-" "Then I don't see a problem as to why you are unable to show him where Mr. Dick is." She replies interpreting me. I try to think up another excuse but I soon give up seeing as my brain shut down stupid brain!

I get up and pack my books as long as possible, attempting to delay the inevitable. When I run out of things to do, I throw my bag over my shoulder and walk towards him.

He follows me out of class and falls in line with me. We don't talk for a while, but he soon brakes the silence. "I don't think I properly introduced myself, I'm Jacob, Jacob Rush." He says with a smirk.

Like what the hell!, Is he in some James bond movie or something! Does he need to do that....thing with his name. He managed to push my buttons with the way he said his name. I have a feeling this is going to be a long walk.

"Yeah, I knew that already," I say a bit ticked off. "Yeah, you probably did, but I wanted to say it anyway. He replies. "Wh-why?" With my voice sounding very manly like. "Because I don't want you to forget me." He says seriously, looking straight into my eyes.

Dammit! I'm pretty sure I'm blushing like a tomato right now. Can you blame me? I mean who says cheesy shit like that so, so seriously!

I just shut up and don't reply, I do not trust my voice. We are nearly by his class so if I can just-." So you're a junior?" He cannot sense vibes. "Yeah," I say more confidently. "You a junior too?" "Yeah." He scratches his head a little. "Wait, what. You're a junior too?" I say a disbelieving. "Yeah, is it that bad being a junior." "Oh no, it's just you look...A bit too big to be a junior.. more like a senior." "Would you like me better if I was a senior?" He asks. "Wh-what!" I say stuttering. I look over at him and notice the gleam in his eyes and the small smile. He's playing with me. I shove him on his shoulder but he doesn't even budge. Since his a smart ass he can find the class by himself. I turn around and start walking away from him, but I hear his laugh getting closer until a hand lands on my shoulder.

"Hey, it was just a joke. You know I like it when u blutter. "

He says while still laughing.

"Blutter?" I ask. "Yeah! It's so cute when you blush and stutter at the same time!"

I knock my hand against my head but by the feeling in my cheeks I know I'm blushing.

"Just keep quiet until we get to your class," I say with fake irritation but by the smile on his lips I know he sees through me.

We arrive in front of his class. "So this is Mr. D," I say.

"Oh ok, thanks for helping me out." He says with a grin.

"Yeah, you should be. I don't usually "help" people." He just chuckles. I start to walk away.

"Hey!" He shouts after me. "You never told me your name?" I turn around while walking backward.

"Figure it out!" I shout back with a smirk. I turn back and walk, but I hear his laugh as I turn the corner and it's like music to my ears.

Well shit.


Awww my little Liam has a crush!!💞

This makes me uber happy !!🙌

Wish everyone luck because I do want people to like my book💕💕

So pleeease vote, comment and share my book🐻

Love you guys 💞💞💗

A Nerd At Heart {BoyxBoy}(#1 At Heart Series)//EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now