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I finally arrive home after that God awful day. Okay, maybe it wasn't bad, not that any person, in particular, made it any better today. It was just bearable. Mom is still going to work for a couple more hours so that means I have the house to myself. What to do? I could go over my work for today but I already know it, so I guess it's Netflix and chill.

I go to my bedroom and power up my stereo. Work from home by Fifth harmony starts to play. While I undress I start swaying my hips and singing along. It's practically my anthem. That and titanium by David Guetta. I throw on a pair of shorts and a sweater with a batman insignia on.

I decide to make popcorn and just surf till I find a movie that doesn't make me wanna barf.

Teen wolf's new season is out and I'm feeling like I wanna watch that. I have this weird fascination with werewolves. Something about them is My "addiction" began when I read one of my mom's erotica novels. I was curious about the book as to what was on the cover. It had a picture of a face, half-wolf, and half-human. Little did I know it was those types of books. I was clueless about it being erotica at first, but I liked what I read.

The werewolf sounded so strong and commanding. He took what he wanted and asked questions later. Something about that just made me feel hot inside. In this case, what he wanted was a woman that had his trigger scent. Oh and don't get me started on those sex scenes, whew *fans self *.

Anyway, that's what started my addiction towards those sexy ass creatures. Teen Wolf isn't exactly what I want but then again the only place I would find what I'm looking for would be an adult movie if you know what I mean. So the storyline has to do, for now, it does not disappoint though.

As I'm watching, halfway through the series, my cell rings. I frown, I don't have any friends because people suck, my mom is on her way home and she is a big believer in no muti tasking while driving, so who could it be?

I pick up my phone.

"Hello?" I answer

"Hey, sweety,"

Well looks like she broke her rules.

"I'm going to be stuck at work, a guy messed up a few files and I can't risk him messing up again, so that means I have to fix it." She says sounding distracted.

"Oh okay, it's cool."

"And Melissa will be coming over, I phoned her mom and she didn't have anything to do so I said it's fine if you kept her company."

"Mom! Why would you do that?" Irritation clear in my voice.

"You know Melissa hates me just as much as I hate her."

"Oh stop being such a drama queen, she doesn't hate you, you just need to open up a bit and talk to her."

"May I remind you what happened the last time we just talked ."

"It was an accident, and she apologized already."

"She said I looked like Aladdin but just his unattractive stepbrother! And that was when I first met her!" I say incredulously.

"Her mom said she will be on her best behavior, so suck it up and be nice."

I know it's pointless to argue because she never gives up. I think that's where I got my stubbornness from.

"Fine," I replied gruffly.

I say a quick goodbye and hang up. I should probably explain who this Melissa is. We met in my freshman year. Our moms had been best friends in high school and reconnected after they saw each other at my orientation. So she scheduled for them to come over to our house so they could catch up, and since I had no friends my mom thought this to be a good opportunity for me to start.

Boy was she wrong.

They came over and my mom told me to show her my room and "mingle" with her, my mom's words not mine. Anyway, she just stood in the middle of the room despite my attempts to make conversation. While I fiddle with the stereo she just out and told me I looked like Aladdin's unattractive stepbrother.

I didn't know if she was joking or being serious. Her face was expressionless so I'm going with the latter. I responded by telling her it looked like a red riding hood died on her head due to the red color. We went back and forth until I was going to explode.

I marched downstairs, opened the front door and slammed it behind me. I spent a few minutes walking around trying to calm myself down. I mean she knew nothing about me so what gave her the right to say that about me. When I got back my mom was furious at me, telling me how much Melissa was hurt that I left her like that. I didn't believe it for one second. My mom made me phone them back and apologize.

We went through freshman year without even greeting each other in the hallways. The only time I talked/fought with her was when she came over with her mom, it's still the same right until junior year.

I heard a knock at the door taking me out of my movie marathon. Well, here we go again.

I open the door to she-devil herself.

I look at her and I see nothing has changed over summer. She still has the same fiery, long red hair, brownish eyes and she hasn't grown also.I'm no giant but no midget either, she's probably almost my height but not quite yet.

"Hello, Melissa," I say together with a fake smile.

She just stares at me. Somehow I have a feeling this is going to be a very, very long night.


Hey guys !! So I don't know who should play Melissa because let's be honest, you did not come here for the women. (No offense to my fellow ladies, we all know who runs the world)

I hope you like this chapter, I do try to lengthen it to make it more interesting.

So please do comment, like and vote.

Oh, and if u wanna message me, I wouldn't mind, like at all, reeeeaaaallly wouldn't mind.

Thanks, guys. Love you lots. xoxox


A Nerd At Heart {BoyxBoy}(#1 At Heart Series)//EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now