Chapter 11

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Chase pov-

4 months passed and its my birthday. I don't like celebrating it, But Demi wants to.

I stayed over Demi's house cause she wanted me to. I woke to her gorgeous eyes staring at me.

"hello" I said stretching my arms.

"hi" she said. she lifted her hand and placed it on my chest. She began making circles on my chest. I put an arm around her as she put her head on my chest.

"my parents are coming today" she huffed.

"what's wrong" I said . She stood up and put her legs at my waist. I widen my eyes. I have never done 'it' and I don't want Demi to know.

"I wanna stay like this, laying in bed with you, without my parents getting mad" she pouted.

"I know baby"

"I'm freaking 20 going to be 21 in a couple days, I should move out, and you should come with me"

"Yeah I would love to, but are you sure you want to be away from your family. I mean your always with them" she let out a sigh.

"I know, but I have you and that's all that matters" she bite her lip as she uncovered the blanket from my warm body. The cold air hit my body, bringing goosebumps all over.

"what you doing" I asked nervously.

"you'll see" she took her top off leaving just her shorts and a white laced bra.

"Demiiii" I said as she sucked viciously on my neck.

"yeah baby"

"I can't" I whispered. She didn't hear me as she was taking my shorts off.

"happy birthday baby" She says taking my shorts completely.

Oh God, I thought. I'm going to lose it today.

As she was about to take off my briefs, we heard a car parking in the drive way. Demi rushed off of me and into the window.

"shit" she said. "change" I grabbed my shorts and put them back on.

"Demi I can't find my shirt" I whispered as I heard the front door open. She found it and threw it across the room to me. I threw it on and started to climb the window. Her parents like me and all but they really didn't lime us being alone.

"Bye baby" she called out.

"Bye" I yelled back. My car was parked next door, so I ran to get it.

I drove home thinking about what might of happened if her parents didn't came.

I made it home. No one was her for it was Monday. School and work. My dad left a note as I walked in the kitchen.

'im at the studio, so when its time pick up your brother, and happy birthday son. love dad' My dad was a pretty cool Dad.

I checked the time and it was only an hour I had before I had to pick up Sam.

I went upstairs, showered, got dressed, and went back in my car.

Sam was out looming for me. I honked. He face the car and jumped in the passenger sit.

"No practice" I asked.

"nope, can we stop to get something to eat I'm hungry and by the way big bro, happy birthday" he said throwing his back pack to the back of the car.

"sure and thanks" I drove to Mcdonalds and ordered our regular meal.

we went home and ate our food til dad came.

A/N: sorry its story and sorry I having uploaded this story. i had to upload something. My mind is blank on this one. :( got ideas.

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