Chapter 26

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Demi's pov-

Chase's family was very rude and disrespectful to Sam. He has been feeling down since the dinner, and its been a week.

"Hey Sammy" I yelled as he walked in Chase's and I's house. He waved small and sat with me on the couch.

"Hey Dems, what you doing there" he asked.

"Nothing, trying to write a song" I said pointing to the pile of paper balls on the floor. He chuckled and picked them up for me, throwing them in the trash. "Thanks, where's Jamie" I asked.

"With her sister, she's been really missing her so she came to pick her up for awhile" he sighed. "I called Chase, but he said he wasn't here, so I was thinking if I can hang with my future sister- N-law" he chuckled, playfully shoving my arm.

"Yeah his at work and sure" I giggled. I gathered all my papers and motioned him to the music room. It was a room Chase made me when I was out at a interview.

"Wow this beautiful" he said in aww. I patted on the piano for him to seat.

"Your brother made it for me" I looked around, then seen his face. He looked down and sad. "You ok, you look down"

"Even though I know my family is wrong, but sometimes I feel their right" he let out small sigh and place his hands on the piano keys.

"Sam" I started off. "You'll go back to dribbling down the courts soon. Your just being responsible like you promised your dad" he nodded. "Your a great kid" I swung my arm around his shoulder.

"Thanks Demi" he hugged me tightly.

"Welcome. Since were both doing nothing let's go for ice cream. You need to be cheered up" he raised his brow and looked at me.

"I'm not a baby anymore" he crossed his arms making me laugh.

"I know your not, your going to be dad. You can stay here while I go and enjoy some thriftys" he un crossed his arms.

"Well I guess, I'll go" he said. I shook my head walking to the kitchen. I grabbed my keys and walked out the door with him behind.

Sam was now my little brother. He reminded me so much in a way of Maddie, even though he was about 4 or 5 years older then her, and was expecting a little girl. He looked so much like Chase, he could pass as a little him. I mentally laughed at the thought and parked the car.

"Here we are" I took my keys from the ignition and came out the car.

We ordered our ice cream and watched the lady prepare them. I paid her and walked with Sam to sit near a fountain.

"What did you get" he asked.

"Cotton candy with sherbert. And you" he took his spoon and took a scoop of the cotton candy.

"Sherbert only. Hey! that cotton candy is actually good" I giggled and scooped some to his cup.

"Are you ready" I asked him referring to the baby.  He smiled lightly and looked at his ice cream, then at me.

"I am to be honest. I wanna see who she's going to look like. I just wanna hold her, and protect her. Be the best dad possible, even if I'm young." He looked out to the distance and I couldn't help but smile at his reply.

"Your going to be the best dad, you know that" he smiled. I rubbed his back and hugged him.

Later I dropped him at his house and went to the studio to surprise Chase. He has been working non stop, and his been getting home late.

"Hey Jack" I whispered entering one of the studio rooms.

"Hey, Demi, how are you" he asked. He has been observing Chase since he wants to be in the business himself.

"Great, and yourself" He patted the chair next to him. I sat and focused on a new comer they were recording.

"The same, getting older, and helping Chase" He chuckled and smiled.

"The singer is amazing" I said. He nodded and crossed his arms.

"She is. When are you coming back to the studio" He asked.

"Well I just need to write one more song for the new album, but I haven't been inspired lately" I bit the inside of my cheek thinking about some lyrics and things I had on my mind.

"You will, you always do" he patted my shoulder gently and stood up. "I'm going to check on Chase" I nodded and watched him leave.

Minutes later, the door opened and Chase walked in with a smile. He ran to me picking me up.

"My dad said you where here" he put me down and kissed my cheek.

"Aww some ones happy to see me"

"I am" he placed my arms around his neck, then he placed his hands on my hips, bringing me closer to him, with our lips only inches apart.

"Are you done" I asked, brushing my lips on his. He nodded biting his lower lip.

"Yeah, let's go home" He intwined his fingers with mine and made his way to his dads office. "Bye Dad, see you tomorrow"

"Bye guys" Jack smiled and hugged us.

As we were about to walk out, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. Then my phone beeped. I checked seeing it was a remainder that my period was coming.

"You ok baby" Chase asked. I nodded putting my phone away.

"You think we can stop at a store" I asked him. I had ran out of tampons from the month before.

"Sure, then you think of we can have a movie night" I smiled and nodded.

We rarely spend time now since his working a lot more, and with me doing a lot of stuff. Like my new album coming out and shows I'm thinking about doing.

We made it to the store, and the gentleman that he is, ran around the car and opened my door, holding out his hand.

"My lady" I blushed and took his hand. He closed the door and walked inside walmart. "So what are we going to buy" he asked. I looked at him with a serious face, he git the hint and nodded. "You want me to get your period pils" he asked. I giggled at him and nodded.

"Yes please" he let go of my hand, kissed my cheek and made his way around the pharmacy area.

Me & you (Demi Lovato fanfic) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now