Chapter 8

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I'll just leave that here^^^ Also trigger warning!!!!!!!!!!

Franky's POV
All five of us arrived in the chorus room. There are probably 60 chairs all in three rows. There was a white board, a piano at the front of the room, and it smelt like dust and windex. I love singing so I'll just deal with the smell.

The white board said 'sit where you want for the first week. There is going to be vocal testing the first week to see your placement'. Wow that's cool this teacher must be really nice.

"Hey guys do you wanna sit over there at the top" I said pointing to the five chairs in the left top corner. They all nodded so we took our seats, I tried to sit next to Luke but he wouldn't because he just sat the end trying to be as far as possible away from anyone.

"Is there usually a lot of people that join choir?" I ask hoping the answer is no.

"Uh yeah kinda, there's never enough to fill all of the chairs but there is usually about 25-30 in choir. But more than half don't care about it." Calum said sounding kind of annoying with the last sentence he said.

"Oh that's a shame, why don't there care?"

"They don't care because they think its an easy A but its not you have to learn the notes and you get quizzed on them and passion either is an A or an F if you don't have it then you my friend have an F." Michael spoke for Calum.

"Yup! exactly what Mikey said." Ashton spoke.

"You know guys th-" I was cut off by Luke.

"I'm pretty passionate about choir, just saying."
I smiled at his words he seems so shy. I wish he would talk more.

I finally made it through my first day of school. And I have to be honest it was pretty great, only two more days till the weekend considering the first day started on a Wednesday. I lost the guys after everyone crowded out of the school. So I just decided to go home.

Once I reached my car in the parking lot I was mortified at the sight of my car. Someone wrote 'emo bitch' on the hood of it! What the fuck? I can't tell any one about this. If more people find out then the more it might happen.

Is this how people really see me as an emo bitch?
Just because I wear fucking black doesn't mean I'm fucking emo?

I just wanna go home. I started up my car and sped home with tears streaming all down my face. I thought this day was so great and it was all ruined by some ass hole that I don't even know.

When I pulled into the drive way I got out of the car and looked at the hood. How am I suppose to get that off. Maybe re paint it? Great now I have to spend $30 on paint for my car. "Fuck!" I screamed tugging at my hair. I ran into the house and went into my room and pulled out some old friends that I haven't seen in awhile.

If people think that I'm emo I gotta live up to it.
I grab out a small blade from the pink zip up bag and I began to break my promise to my dad and my bitch of a mother and my old friends. "I'm sorry" I said out loud before I made my first cut.

One for today.
two for thinking it was a good day.
three letting people get to me.
four because this was my release.

My wrist started to get soaked with blood and more tears came running down my face. I walked to the bathroom that was just by my room and ran water over of my cuts. I grab some Band-Aids and put one on each cut.

I look up into the mirror and I flinched at the site of me, my hair was no longer straight and my make up was just smeared on my cheeks none of it was left on eyes.

I grab a wash cloth and washes all of day off of my face. I put the wash cloth in the sink and went back to my room.

My wrist hurts but I don't care it felt good to do it again but I knew it was wrong.

I walked over to my bed and laid down..I'm done with today I'm just gonna go to bed.

A/N: hello beautiful boys and girls thank you so much for over 90 reads I love all of you. I thought I wouldn't get any. I'm sorry I didn't update on Thursday I know I'm bad person lol. And yes this chapter was sad and for any of you that suffer with self harm please come talk to me or someone its a serious issue. I hope you like this chapter idk if I do yet lol. But okay byyeee
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