Chapter 38

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I love you all thank you for everything! There's an epilogue!

Luke's POV ( 3 months later) :

These past 3 months have been some of the greatest yet some of the hardest times of my life.

Each day my band was just getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger. But each day my heart was getting smaller, and smaller, and smaller.

It's funny how overtime I never got over Franky, you'd think that I would move on... but I didn't.

I never had any groupies and I really wasn't attracted to anyone. All I wanted was her but she didn't want me.

All the lads on the tour supported me every day and helped me through each day. I could never repay them for what they have done for me for these past few months.

But now I have to admit I am way better from when she left me just a few months ago. The pain that I felt was absolutely unbearable I didn't know how anyone could feel that way or how I felt that way for so long.

I never really thought that we would break up but we did so call me delusional I guess. Everything about her I still miss the way her hair moved in the Wind the way her eyes with sparkle when I would make her laugh or even if she tried to get my attention she would poked my nose.

Those things I will always treasure because even though they were small they really meant everything to me.

Fuck it call me cheesy I don't care I love what I love and my love belongs to her.

So now I'm sitting in the middle of my Mom's Kitchen sorting silverware. I always get lost in my thoughts. but always people shake me out of them just to see if I'm okay.

"honey could you come here please," my mum yells from the living room.

I set the box of spoons down and put my hands on the ground to get up. I haven't really been working out lately so I'm kind of weak person now.

I walk into the living room and see my mum just watching television, the usual.

She is curled up on the couch honestly as happy as ever. I really missed her being on tour and she missed me.

I've only been back for a few days now, maybe longer. It's just everything goes by so fast, tour was over before I knew it and it feels like I just got home.

I take a seat next to my mum on the couch, "what's up is everything okay?"

She rests her hand on my knee, "of course sweetie I just wanted to ask you something."

I nod my head signaling for her to continue.

"Lucas you haven't seen her in so long why don't you go visit her today. If not, maybe even the boys, you haven't seen them in so long honey," She encourages me.

I sigh and take her soft hand into mine, "please understand me mum, Franky and I are not getting back together. Honestly, as much as I'd like to she doesn't love me anymore. And besides I've only been back for a few days, what's the big deal? I just saw the lads for like 5 month straight."

"Fine, fine I got it just don't forget about her okay. she was so good for you I love that girl with all my heart. And Luke stop trying to be funny you've been back for about 2 weeks now, go visit the them, I'm sure they miss you."

Just as my mum gets up to leave I hear the doorbell go off.

"Oh hi boys c'mon in. Luke is in the living room." My mum happily greats the people who are at the door.

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