Chapter 1

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" DAD!!"

I watch my father running away, leaving me here soaked with balloon pieces scattered all around me. I get up, grab a water balloon, and start chasing him. I get close enough, and then I throw the water balloon at his back causing causing the water to go all over his back. As soon as that happens, he turns around with a water balloon in his hand and throws it at me. I manage to move out of the way before it splashes on something. I turn around and notice that the water balloon landed on my mother. I stand there shocked, as does my mother.

"Ooh, mom's going to kill you." I say, containing my laughter.

My mom smiles evilly to herself before grabbing a water balloon and throwing it at my dad. My dad moves, but not fast enough. the water splashes all over his face, causing him to fall on the ground. I turn my head and notice that my uncle had a water balloon aimed right at my mother. I quickly push her out of the way, grab a water balloon, and throw it right at his chest.

"I'M MELTING. I'M MELTING!!" he yells, while crumpling to the floor.

"Really uncle David." I say, while smiling and shaking my head with my arms crossed over my chest.

"I cannot believe that my own niece wouldn't care if I died." he says, breathing a heavy sigh while fanning his face like a girl.

I start laughing uncontrollably, ending up on the ground clutching my stomach gasping for air. When I look up, I notice my are staring into each others eyes and talking. I decided to do something that could probably kill me. I pick up two water balloons and walk up to both of them. I throw the water balloons at my parents and watch how the water splashes all over them.

My parents both look at me with an angry expression, but then change it to an evil grin. I quickly turn around ready to run, but my uncle stops me and turns me around to face my parents gripping my arms. My parents make there way over to me with water balloons in there hands. when they get close enough they take aim. I close my eyes, waiting for the impact of a water balloon but I hear a gun shot instead.

My eyes shoot open and everything seems to be going in slow motion. Mothers are running, carrying their child in their arms petrified, teens are running either hold onto their boyfriends/girlfriends hand or their just running. I continue looking around and I see someone pointing a gun at me. He fires, but my uncle pulls me back so it just misses me.

"RUN!!!" uncle David screams, pushing me forward so I can run.

My uncle and I break into a sprint, but he doesn't leave my side. Everyone around me are running in different directions, but I manage to find my parents running in the same direction as we are. I hear a gun go off and my uncle falls. I feel tears stream down my face, but I know better than to stop running.

I hear another gun go off and I feel something fly past my shoulder, leaving a stinging sensation on my arm. I turn a corner and I stop immediately. I catch sight of my parents put in a head lock with guns pointed to their heads. Both my father and my mother look at me with fear in their eyes. With their guns raise, my mom's fearful eyes lock on mine, urging me to run but my feet won't move. I watch as one of the points his gun at me, but I remain motionless.

I slowly opens my eyes, feeling how caked they are, and stare up at the sky above me. It was a dream, within a dream? I shake my head and I get from my spot on the grass and I stretch. I look up at the sky and I see stars and I quarter moon shining down on me. Why can't my life be as peaceful as those stars? Even though they are so far from each other, they still have someone there for them when they need them.

I look down at the ground and shake my head, before proceeding out of the alley. The silence that has taken over the alley, surrounds me at every corner. Every house that I pass has some sort of decoration on it. Cool wind passes by and causes me to shiver, clutching my jacket tighter around me. The stars and the quarter moon give me some light, so I'm able to tell where I'm going.

There's no one walking outside, which makes sense because who would be walking around so early in the morning. I walk down the street, clutching my jacket tighter around my body, trying to find some warmth. The frost bites at my skin, which is probably causing me to become red all over but whatever.

The sidewalks are covered in ice, making it harder for me to walk properly. The trees hang low under the weight of the ice on there branches. The melodic sounds of chimes on peoples doorsteps calm me down as I walk down the road. The lights for my current destination are on and they a bit more excitement to the early morning. I smile in amazement at the lights hung up outside of Rockwear café, before walking inside the cafe where the warmth embraces me.

I sit at a table in the corner of the café. The boy at the cash register looks over at me and offers me a smile that I return back. He types something into the cash register and goes to the back of the café. I look out the window and admire the lights from outside. I hear a door opening and I hear footsteps, but I don't dare to look. Even though I'm looking through the window, I can still see the cashier behind me holding a cup.

I try to tell him that I can pay for it, but he just shakes his head and places the cup in front of me, before going back to his spot behind the cash register. I take a sip of the beverage and let a smile spread out on my lips. Hot chocolate, my favourite.


I look over at the door as more people begin to come in and take a seat to have meetings, meet up with relatives and such. I look out the window for the tenth time today and I see the bright yellow sun and that gives me some sort of calm feeling. I get up from my spot and I walk over to the counter to order something. The cashier looks at me and offers me a smile that I return.

"Good afternoon," I say, still smiling "Would it be alright if I have a blueberry muffin?"

"Of course me lady." he says, bowing before going to get the muffin.

I give him the money for the muffin and he gives me my change. I go back to my seat, only to realize that someone else was sitting there. He has blond hair and most likely blue eyes. He's wearing a black t-shirt with grey pants and black running shoes. He looks over at me and freezes for a moment.

"Were you sitting here?"

"Ya," I say "But it's alright, I can find another seat."

I turn around to find another seat, but all of them are taken.

"Or not."

I let out a sigh and turn around to go outside, but I feel a hand on my arm. I turn around and I see him standing right in front of me. He looks down at my arm and he lets go of my arm.

"I'm sorry," he says, his ears turning red "You can sit with me if you'd like, I mean only if you want to."


I get into the booth and he sits across from me and we stare at each other for a while before he reaches his hand out to me.

"I'm Aaron." he says "Aaron Walker."

I shake his hand and I smile at him.

"I'm Tara."


Aaron and I had a nice conversation and I got to know some thing's about him. He has a brother and two parents, he loves the colour orange, he loves boxing, and some other stuff. I managed to tell him some stuff about me such as I love the colour blue and I love blueberry muffins and such.

Aaron left a while ago and now it's dark outside. We've talked for hours without even noticing. It's nice having someone to talk to. I look out my window again and smile. The cashier walks over and tells me that I need to leave because he's locking up. I nod my head and I head out the door and walk down the street.

As a walk down the street, I hear thunder roar as loud as a lion, demanding to be heard. I look up at the sky and I sigh. Great.

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