Chapter 20

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Aaron, Bruce, Christine, and I came up with a plan where we would meet up near the fountain down the road and it went off perfectly. Aaron and I walk over to the fountain and we see his parents. I smile and continue walking until I see something.

Eric standing in front of them with a gun in his hand and a smirk on his face. I stop walking and look up at Aaron, hoping that he sees Eric. He looks down at me with an angry expression on his face.

I look down and notice that his hand was wrapped around his gun and his index finger was on the trigger. I put my hand over my gun and slowly begin to walk towards them with Aaron at my side. I look over to my right passed Aaron and I see a DPU guard standing, watching Eric.

I nudge Aaron and flick my head towards the guard. He looks at the guard, looks at me and says "I'll handle it", before making his way over to the guard.

I continue walking over to Eric before Christina catches my eye. She has a very scared look in her eyes. She shakes her head so slightly so Eric wouldn't catch it. I stop dead in my tracks.

I look at Bruce and notice that his hands are bound behind his back and a DPU guard is standing behind him with a gun to his head. I look back at Aaron and I see him still making his way over to the guard. Eric would never face his opponent without a lot of protection.

I continue to look around and notice a lot of DPU cars around. They knew we were coming, but how? I quickly run over to Aaron and stop him in his tracks. He gives me a confused look.

"There are DPU cars everywhere. If we kill any of them, we're dead" I say, looking at him and showing him the cars.

Aaron looks at me and nods his head. I look to Christine and Bruce again. Christine has a softer look in her eyes and she smiles a small smile.


It's like the world slowed down and everything's going in slow motion. I watch as Christina's smile grows wider as she closes her eyes and crumbles to the ground. I feel tears stream down my face and without thinking, I take out my gun and shoot the guard that was behind Bruce.

Eric turns around and screams, before I shoot him and the guard that Aaron was heading to earlier. I don't know if I killed Eric or not, but I do know that I killed the guard. I quickly run over to Christina and start screaming orders for her to stay awake. She looks up at me and opens her mouth as if she is going to say something so I move my ear to her lips do I can hear what she says.

"Take...... This" she says, placing something in my hand.

I look down at my hand and notice Christine's necklace in my hand. I look at her getting ready to tell her that I couldn't take it, but she interrupts me.

"Take care of Aaron. Be there for him when he needs it most and destroy DPU headquarters" she says, looking very pale.

"I will" I say, looking her in the eyes "I promise"

She looks up at me and smiles with tears at the brim of her eyes. She looks away into the sky and takes her final breath.

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