Chapter 10

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"Were here"

I snap out of my trance and notice that we were in front of the arena. I turn my head and get ready to open the door, but I see Aaron standing outside the door, with the door open and his hand outstretched towards me. I take his hand as he helps me out of the car. When I am out of the car, I link arms with Aaron and walk towards the arena.


When we get inside, we both see a lot of people talking. I look around, until I see Christina and Bruce near the stage.


I turn around and notice a girl with brown hair and hazel eyes, wearing a short red dress with red high heels and a necklace with a red star in the middle, hugging Aaron or trying to anyway.

"Renae, what are you doing here?" he asks, with an irritated look on his face.

"You know, I just wanted to see my ex perform and lose to my boyfriend" she says, smiling before frowning when she sees me "Who are you?"

"My name is Tara" I say "His girlfriend"

She looks me up and down with a disgusted look on her face, before she looks at Aaron.

"You seriously chose her?" she says, in disgust

"Why should you care? I love her and that's all that matters " he says, putting his arm around me and kisses me on my forehead.

I watch as a wave of sadness washes over her entire face. After a couple of minutes of awkward silence, Renae leaves.

"Well, that was interesting" I say nervously

"Ya, sorry about that" he says "I think that we should get ready, the talent show is about to start any minute"

Aaron and I walk over to the front row of seats and take a seat. I sit there thinking, until I remember something that Renae said.

"When you were talking to Renae," I begin "What did she mean when she said ' I just want to see my ex perform and lose to my boyfriend'? I thought that this was just for fun"

Aaron gets a weird look on his face before he looks at me, obviously recognizing what I was talking about.

"I thought that this was for fun too. Seriously, I thought that we were doing this just because it would be funny to watch" he says, looking at me with a shocked look on his face.

"Well whatever, I guess we'll find out it's starting" I say, while the lights dim and the MC walks onto the stage.

"Lady's and gentleman, welcome to the 2012 Talent Show"

The audience claps and a smile appears on my face. Maybe this will turn out better than I thought.


Wow, these talents are good.

Aaron and I are backstage waiting for our names to be called. Aaron and I are the last act of the evening. I look up at Aaron and notice that he had a worried expression on his face like when we were at the fair and he was afraid to go on 'DragonFire'. I grab his arm softly and make him face me.

"Hey don't worry. It's not bad. Just imagine that your with the person you really care about" I say, looking into his eyes.

"I don't have to imagine, she's standing here with me" he says, looking into my eyes.

He slowly leans in and kisses me. I feel sparks, but this kiss is different it's more sweet then lusty. I pull back when I hear the MC call our names.

"Come on Aaron" I say, grabbing his hand and walking on stage.

When we get on stage, I notice that Renae was sending me death glares. OK, that's kind of scary.

"Just ignore her" Aaron whispers in my ear.

I just make my way towards the piano and begin playing the intro.

Didn't know what to get you, ordinary just wouldn't do, but I just found the perfect gift, for you

Now I got at all ready, but it's not wrapped in red or green

Come and sit down beside me here, underneath the Christmas tree

I look over to Aaron and we both begin to sing the chorus.

We've got mistletoes and firelight, on this cold December night.

The snow outside will set the mood, as I sing my song for you

I hear church bells ringing, carolers are singing harmony with me now.

You are looking so lovely ya, even if the lights go out

We've got mistletoes and firelight, on this cold December night

The snow outside will set the mood, as I sing my song for you

You're so beautiful, I only hope you see what I see, see it

Every word is meant to show you how much you mean to me

We've got mistletoes and firelight, on this cold December night

The snow outside will set the mood, as I sing my song

We've got mistletoes and firelight, on this cold December night

The snow outside will set the mood, as I sing my song

Sing my song. Sing my song, for you.

When we finish, everyone in the audience gets up from their seat and applauds us, with some cheering, Aaron and I bow, before he kisses me on the cheek making me blush. I might finally have people who care about me and wont hurt me.

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