3. Train Ride With Tom

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Chapter three

After the long holidays, I was finally on the train heading back to Hogwarts. The holidays seemed to go to quickly and I wished they had lasted longer. As I watched out the window I had not noticed the door of my carriage slide open.

"Is it alright if I join you?" the voice had shocked me and I jumped slightly in my seat, I turned to see where the voice had came from. I looked up to see none other than Tom Riddle standing in the doorway. I were about to yell at him to go sit somewhere else, as I remembered he called me a blood traitor, when he gave me the most amazing smile making my heart race faster. I wanted to say no but it was like his smile had put me in a trance. "Um yeah, okay" is what I said instead, and Tom smiled again and took the seat directly across from me.

We both sat in an awkward silence for about the first half hour of the trip, before Tom finally broke the silence. "How was your holidays?" he asked me without looking at me.

"Ok I guess, how was yours?" I thought I'd better ask just not to be rude.

"Just glad to be going back to where I truly belong," he said and I took that as if they weren't so good.

'I guess it must be hard being a wizard in an orphanage full of Muggles' I thought to myself.

"It's good to see you Laylah" Tom said this time turning to look me in the eyes. I was shocked at what he just said.

"Why is it so good to see a blood traitor?" I said so angrily and without thinking first. Tom's expression on his face turned angry, and it scared me. He looked so cruel and I backed up as far in my seat that was possible. Tom saw that I was frightened and his faced softened.

"I'm sorry," he said then looked out the window. I relaxed in my seat and looked at Tom, sadness filled my eyes, I wanted to leap over there and just hug him, but I didn't dare.

"Do you really think I am a blood traitor?"

Tom turned back to me thinking how to answer the question "I don't know" he simply said.

"Then why did you call me it, you don't even know me that well to even judge if I am or not" I were starting to get a bit angry again, but I tried to hide it. But Tom could tell.

"I have been informed that all Gryffindors are either blood traitors or mud-bloods" Tom said and smirked as if proud of himself for not being in that house. Now I was really upset I got up and went to leave, but before I could, Tom quickly grabbed my hand and stood up to prevent me from leaving, and what he did next shocked me even more. Tom pulled me in towards him and wrapped his arms around me, embracing me in a gentle warm hug.

 "I'm sorry," he whispered into my ear. He held onto me tight not letting me go. I felt sad, how could he do this? He's playing with my emotions, acting like he cares about me one minute after not talking to me for like 5 years, and then he calls me a blood traitor, then says he's sorry.

A tear slipped from my eye and Tom noticed this. He wiped it away with his thumb. "What is wrong?" he asked me with a little concern in his voice. I shook my head as in refusing to tell him, I pushed him off me and sat down on the seat with my arms crossed against my chest and I stared out the window.

Tom sat next to me, and I ignored him. He then placed his arm around my shoulder "please tell me what's wrong?" he whispered gently and calmly in my ear.

I turned and looked at him with watery eyes. Then in a half angry, half hurt tone I said "You haven't talk to me in 5 years, you have insulted me, and then you start to act as if you actually care about me, you're messing with my emotions!"

Tom stared at me for a moment trying to think of what to say. "Let me take you to winter dance that is coming up, let me make it up to you and to prove to you that I'm not trying to mess with your emotions"

I sat there and thought about it for a moment, then nodded my head in agreement. A smile came across Tom's face and he lent in and kissed me on the cheek. My face turned slightly pink as I blushed and Tom smirked at this.

Tom and I talked about random stuff until finally the train stopped at the station, and everyone got off the train. I stood with Tom, and his group approached, "Tom, there you are!" said one of them, a little scrawny kid.

"Why are you with that blood traitor" another tall and dark one said. 'Here we go again' I though 'Tom is just going to let this happen and pretend like he don't know me'

But to my amassment Tom did something quiet different.

He pulled out his wand and pointed it at them "Ever call her that again, you shall regret it for the rest of your life" the look on Tom's face seemed to scare them and they all nodded quickly obeying him. I myself felt scared from the look on Tom's face; he then grabbed my arm gently and walked away with me. We made our way to the carriages that would take us up to the school. Tom sat very closely next to me. Some Slytherin's joined us, as no one in any of the other houses would dare sit with Tom. He frightened everyone. He just had a way of being completely charming, while terrifying at the same time. The ride up to the castle was quick and I wished it had lasted a little longer so I could continue to sit with Tom, but before we knew it, he was sitting at the Slytherin table and me at the Gryffindor table in the great hall.

At the top of the hall where the teacher's table was I saw my father standing ready to greet the students back from the holidays. I smiled up at him and he gave me a little wave back.

After my father had finished talking to us, our dinner magically appeared onto the table. I began to eat immediately. My best friend Ash who was sitting beside me to began to eat. "So, where were you on the train?" She asked me.

"I was in a carriage by myself" I told her. I did not want to tell her about what happened with Tom just yet.


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