12. Sneaking off

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Chapter twelve


The next day lesson's continued as normal, and during the breaks students were only aloud in their house common rooms, the great hall, or the library. Tom and I decided to sit in the library during our break. I sat behind a bookshelf out of earshot of anyone else.

"I'm going to go, I got some things that need to be done" Tom told me as he got up, peeking behind the bookshelf to see where the librarian was.

''What? You're not aloud to go off on your own Tom. When moving from place to place you have to at least be in a group of three" I reminded him.

Tom just ignored me "Stay here, I'll see you later"

When the librarian's back was towards him he sneaked across the library and took off.

'He is so up to no good' I got up and put my book away that I was reading and I went and sat at one of the tables beside the door. When I saw a small group leaving, I followed behind, not wanting to go off alone after the recent event. The group where made up of Gryffindors in there final year and they were headed towards the common room, which I was very happy about. When I got there I went and sat in an armchair by the fire. The warm glow of the fire was pressing against my face making me feel tired. I yawned and sunk down more in the chair, slowly drifting into a sleep.

I was soon woken by a pile of Gryffindors all filing into the common room, followed by professor McGonagall, Gryffindors head teacher. I quickly sat up and watched as all the students sat down in all the chairs and Professor McGonagall stepped up in front of everyone.

"Now you have all be summoned to your common room's for there has been another attack" She paused looking around at the shocked faces of the students "Although the student has not been killed, she has been petrified...More precautions will now be taken, When your are not in class everyone is to be in there common room, no exceptions"

I herd a few groans amongst the students, I was also sad, because I was not going to get to see Tom as much now.

"If the culprit behind the attacks isn't caught soon, it's likely the school will be close" With that she left. Telling the fat lady in the portrait to not let anyone out until the morning classes.

I went up to bed early as I lay in bed thinking about Tom, I started to get suspicious about what he's been getting up to.

'After he runs off there always seems to be an attack'

A few days went by and I only saw Tom in class. The teachers had become strict and lead students to and from classes and then back to their common rooms at the end of the day. No one had been attacked again yet, but students (especially the Muggle born's) were frightened. Some students even got pulled out of school by their parents, because they had written home telling their parents what's been happening.

As I read the daily prophet in my common room that evening, I was surprised that there was still no mention, of the chamber of secrets, and what's been going on at Hogwarts. I assumed that my father of course was behind that; he was pretty good at getting the ministry to do things his way.

I had Double potions the next Morning with Tom, he was very quit through out the class, he barely said a word to me, and he just sat there, with his fingers laced together, his chin resting on top of them. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye. He looked as if he was planning something, planning an escape.

As I had assumed, at the end of class when professor Slughorn lead our class away, Tom stayed to the back of the line, and as soon as we rounded a corner, he didn't follow instead he turned and started heading back down the hall. I had noticed this and I made sure no one were looking and I quickly and quietly ran back down the way we have come.

I followed Tom, staying a little bit behind him so he would not notice I was there. Eventually Tom came to a stop outside the girl's toilets.

'What's he doing there?' I thought and watched closely as he turned and walked inside. I went up to the girl's toilets door, and opened it just a crack so I could look inside. I saw Tom standing over at the basins.

I herd him hiss like a snake; it sent shivers down my spine.

I looked at Tom trying to figure out what he was doing but happened next shocked me. The basins began to open up and separate leaving a huge hole in the floor. I saw Tom quickly look around to make sure no one was looking then climbed down into the whole. I waited until he was out of sight then came into the toilets; I peered down into the hole. I herd sobbing suddenly coming from one of the toilets, someone was crying in them. I was just about to go check it out when the basins began to move back into place, I quickly climbed down into the hole before it had fully closed up. I climbed downwards and then it went dark. I pulled out my wand and whispered 'Lumos' making my wand light up so I could see.

I climbed down to the bottom of the hole and came into la small-stonewalled chamber.

'This must be the chamber of secrets...that means Tom is heir of Slytherin...and the one responsible for the attacks' I was not too shock at the realization of this, after all I had suspected it.

I walked down the chamber and came into another chamber, there was a ladder and I climbed down it, to very bottom chamber. This chamber was all lit up so I put my wand away. I go to the bottom and saw huge statue snakeheads surrounding the chamber, and on the far side I saw Tom standing, looking up at a giant stone head.


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