9. Professor Slughorn's Dinner Party

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Chapter Nine


After two hours of tryouts, most of the team had been chosen. Only the position of keeper was left. I felt nervous, and my palms became all sweaty as I gripped onto my broom.

There was only me and another guy called Sam, who was in his 3rd year trying out for the position. We were both placed at opposite ends of the field.

"Now you will both be thrown 20 quaffles" yelled Dean "And who ever blocks the most from going into the goals will be our new keeper"

Now I really felt nervous, I looked down at the Gryffindors down on the pitch and other out in the stands, then someone caught my eye, someone who wasn't a Gryffindor. It was Tom. When he saw me looking at him he gave an encouraging smile.

I turned seriously and looked at the chaser who would be trying to score in the three goals I was guarding. On the other side Sam had a chaser of his own who would attempt to score.

"Ready! And begin" Dean yelled out to us both.

The keeper threw the quaffle in attempt to get it through the middle goal and I caught it. Again and again the chaser threw quaffle after quaffle. Until all 20 have been thrown. I did my very best to try and stop as many of them as possible from going into the goals.

Afterwards I flew my broomstick on the ground where Dean was waiting with the results.

"Ok Laylah you caught 19, and Sam you caught 18...This makes Laylah our knew keeper"

There were cheers all amongst the Gryffindors, and some people came over and gave me pat on the back. I smiled excitedly. I couldn't believe that I had made the Gryffindor Quidditch team.


"That was great Laylah"

All around me people kept congratulating me. Sam had stormed off the field very angrily, but nobody had really noticed. I smiled as the last few people congratulated me and had left the field to go and have lunch.

I walked of the pitch and was joined by Tom "You were great out there Laylah"

"Thanks" I smiled and reached out and grabbed Tom's hand. "Are you going to have some lunch?"

"Actually I have some stuff to do, I will catch up with you later" Tom kissed my cheek and then left.

I looked after him with a confused expression on my face 'where is he gong?'

After I had finished my lunch I walked out of the great hall to go look for Tom when a voice stopped me in my tracks

"Miss Dumbledore?"

I turned around to see none other than professor Slughorn, "Yes sir?"

"I herd you made the Gryffindor Quidditch team, as keeper and caught 19 out 20 quaffles very impressive" Slughorn smiled "I'm having a little get together for dinner tonight in my office with a few other students, it would be my pleasure if you attended Miss Dumbledore" with that professor Slughorn turned on his heals and left. Humming to him self down the hall.

I looked all around the castle for Tom; there was no sight of him.

'Where could he be' I asked myself. I soon gave up after I felt I had searched the whole school top to bottom, and went to the Gryffindor common room.

"Hey Ash" I sat next to my friend who was sitting on the lounge facing the fire reading a book,

She looked up "Hey Laylah, herd you made the Quidditch team, congrats" she smiled and continued to read her book.

I stared into the fire it was almost dinner time now, and I were deciding if I should go to the dinner in professor Slughorn's office or not.

'He is the head of Slytherin, it will probably be packed full of Slytherin students who hate me' I thought 'but Tom also might be there, he usually is admired by professor Slughorn'

In the end I decided to go check it out. I walked up to professor Slughorn's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in" his voice came from inside.

I opened the door and walked inside, at a table in the middle of the office, about 10 students sat around, and one of them was Tom. He looked surprised to see me there.

"I have invited young Laylah here of Gryffindor to join us for dinner tonight" a few people smiled and nodded at me, about 5 of them were Slytherin's and they all ignored me. I went to sit down in one of the empty seats near some Ravenclaw students, when Tom's voice stopped me.

"Laylah come sit next to me" He kicked one of his friends out of the seat next to him and I took it.

Food was soon placed in front of me and everyone began to talk, professor Slughorn mainly seem to talk to Tom I noticed. And I also noticed Tom seemed to know a lot about what goes on around Hogwarts. Involving the teachers and students. I wondered how Tom came upon the Knowledge he knows.

Soon dinner was over and everyone had left; only Tom and I were left in the room.

"You go on Laylah, I'll be out in a minute," Tom said and I left waiting outside the door.

'What is he up to?' I thought while I waited outside.


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