19. Goodbye Hogwarts

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Chapter Nineteen

The holidays seemed to go very slowly for me, I missed Tom terribly. I practiced Quidditch almost every day to get ready for my final year at Hogwarts and being the Gryffindor's Quidditch team captain. I did not want to disappoint Dean; I was determined to win the Quidditch cup again this year.

I wrote to Tom at least once a week, to ask him how he was going, or what he was getting up to. Only occasionally would he send a reply back with my owl, and I got really annoyed because his letters were usually short and simple. When I asked him about it, he just said he's been very busy and when I asked what he was busy with, I never got an answer back.

Finally the holidays were over and a new school year was starting at Hogwarts. I was feeling excited, I am now in my 7th year, my final year at Hogwarts. 

"Tom!" I ran up and hugged him as he walked onto the platform where the Hogwarts express was waiting to take the students back to school.

"How was your holidays" I asked Tom, he just smirked at this but did not answer my question.

"Come let's get a seat," he said leading me onto the train.

I sat down next to Tom and looked at him "Why are you keeping things from me" I asked sadness in my voice "Don't you trust me?"

Tom held my face in his hands and stroked my cheek with his thumb "It's not that I don't trust you, it's just that it would be better you did not know what I did, I know you wouldn't approve" Tom smiled and leaned in and kiss me gently on the lips.

"No Tom I want to know, tell me!" I ordered. Tom smile faded away from his face. He held his hand up to my face where I saw a ring with a green stone in it.

"See this" Tom said "It was my grandfathers, I took it off him, after I..." Tom leaned in closer to my ear "Killed him" he whispered "And not only did I kill my grandfather on my mothers side, I killed my filthy Muggle father"

I looked at Tom with my eyes wide open with shock. "You made a Horcruxe didn't you Tom?" I asked and Tom just nodded. I turned away from him and looked out the window, I was now confused. Could I stay with him after he had killed someone? I kind of knew it would happen, but now that it actually has, I just not sure if I could be with him anymore.

"You will keep that to yourself won't you Laylah?" Tom asked me.

"Of course Tom" I didn't look at him, just continued to stare out the window. Tom grabbed me and pulled me back towards him so I was leaning up against his chest.

"Don't be mad at me Laylah. I have great plans for this world, a world were wizards no longer have to be in hiding, a world where wizards ruled over the Muggles and Muggle-born" Tom held onto me tight "I want you by my side as my queen"

"I'm not like you Tom, I will never kill or hurt someone, even if I do hate Muggles. I am no killer"

Tom smiled at me "Don't worry I don't expect you to do any of that, just too simple be by my side" 

I nodded at Tom, I loved him so much, but he scared me so much sometimes.


My last year at Hogwarts seemed to go pretty fast. Tom and I spent a lot of time together during our free time, occasionally Tom would be with his friends instead of me, but as the year went on Tom spent more and more time with his group. This cut into my time that I spent with him, and I did not want to spend time with his friends, they were all too creepy for my liking, so when I was not with Tom, I spent my time with Ash.

Quidditch was going good, I had one every game so far, I had picked an excellent team, and from the letters Dean had sent me, I could tell he was proud. In the final match it was Gryffindor verses Ravenclaw. It was an easy match for us, the game was over in less than half an hour. When I had written to tell Dean that we had won the Quidditch cup, he had come up to the school to celebrate with the rest of the Gryffindor's. Not only did Gryffindor win the Quidditch cup, they had also one the house cup. It was the first time Gryffindor had one since I had started school 7 years ago. The year was great year for me and a great way to finish my last year at Hogwarts.

Finally the time had come, I was all packed up ready to leave Hogwarts for good. Tom and I stood out the front of the castle of which I thought might be the last time I would ever see it. But I hoped it wasn't.

Tom did not have to go back to the Orphanage now. He was of age. Tom and I was going to go find a place of our own and stay at the hog's head in the mean time.

After the train ride back to the station we got off, the students where all saying goodbye to each other. I spotted my friend Ash in the crowd and I walked over to her.

"Hey Ash" I said smiling

"Hey" she smiled back at me and hugged me. "I'll write to you soon and we will have to do something together"

"For sure" I said and left with Tom.

Tom's group of his Slytherin friends came up to us both. "We will see you soon Voldemort" they all said farewell Tom. When they had left I turned to Tom

"Voldemort?" I said suspiciously. Tom smiled at me.

"Well you didn't actually think, I was going to keep my fathers name after I found out he was a filthy Muggle did you?" Tom said the last bit with a hint of disgust in his voice, and I didn't answer "No I fashioned myself a new name, a name that one day everyone will fear to speak when I become the greatest wizard in the world"

I looked at Tom and shook my head "Don't ever think I'm going to start calling you Voldemort, because it isn't going to happen"

Tom glared at me but did not argue back. We both headed towards the Hogs head pub.

"I'll be back soon," said Tom after we had settled in our room. He left without telling me where he was going.

'I guess this is going to be my life now' I thought to myself as I laid on the double bed in the middle of the room. I soon drifted off to sleep waiting for Tom to return.


Sorry I skipped through the 7th year so quickly, just wanted to get the two out into the real world. I hope you all are enjoying the story so far. Don't forget to vote :)

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