22. Laylah Riddle

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Chapter Twenty-Two


The day of the wedding had arrived. Yesterday I did all the preparations by myself, Tom went to work. I sent out invitations to my closest friends and family. Tom only invited the closes of his death eaters. That night of course I had an argument of what my last name would become. Tom did not want me to take his Muggle last name 'Riddle' and I told him if I weren't going to have his true last name, I weren't going to marry him at all. There was no way I was going to be called 'Laylah Voldemort' like Tom had suggested. Tom eventually gave in and allowed me to take on his truthful last name.

My wedding was going to be held at a beautiful nature park, which was close to where I lived with my father. I had asked ash to be my maid of honor, and she was getting ready with me at my father's house.

"You look beautiful" My father hugged me when I walked out of my old room. I was wearing a pretty white wedding dress that was strapless, which was tight at the top half and fell from the waist down to my feet. I had a little tiara that held my veil in place, which was pulled back behind my head. My hair was pulled up and curled.

Ash wore a dark red dress that went to her knees and her hair was left down with her natural curls in place.

"Come it's time to go" My father grabbed my arm and lead Ash and I out into my father's little car, which was just outside the house. My father jumped into the driver's seat.

"Um do you know how to drive this don't you?" I asked my father and gave a worried look to Ash.

"Of course I do" Dumbledore turned and smiled at me and then turned on the car and started driving down the street. He wasn't that bad of a driver, lucky it was small town though, with not many cars on the road.

Finally I have arrived outside the park where my closest friends and family was already in seats that have been placed. I got out of the car followed by Ash. Up the other side of the seats standing in front of everyone I saw Tom. I smiled at him and my father held my arm ready to escort me up the aisle. The music began to play the traditional wedding music. And I began to walk with my father's lead. Ash walked behind me. In the few rows of seats I saw, some aunties, uncles and cousins mostly from my mother's side. I was sad my mother was not here to witness my marriage. Unfortunately she has passed away giving birth to me.

I also saw Dean and Andy in the front row; they smiled at me as I approached. It had taken some more convincing for Tom to let me invite Dean to the wedding, but I guess he finally allowed it, just so Dean could see I belonged to Tom and not him.

When I reached Tom, Dumbledore hesitated for a second, then finally handed me over to him who placed his arm around my waist

"You look so beautiful Laylah," he whispered in my ear.

The wedding began and it was held in traditional Wizarding ways, not Muggle. The time had come and Tom and I were pronounced man and wife. Tom put the ring on my finger, which I saw out of the corner of my eye my father started at it very curiously.

After Tom given me the ring he leaned in and kissed me gently on the lips.

'I am now Mrs. Laylah Riddle' I thought excitedly to myself. I am now married to the most handsome guy who had ever stepped foot into Hogwarts.

A small celebration with drinks and food was held at my father's house afterwards where all my family and friends had come up to me and congratulated us both.

My father had come to shake Tom's hand "Now you look after her Tom, treat her right" his voice was very stern. My father took some convincing to give me away to Tom at the wedding. He does not agree to me marrying Tom, and he never will.

"Yes, sir, of course" Tom shook my father's hand with a forced smile on his face. Anyone else wouldn't have thought much of it, but my father was not fooled by Tom one bit.

Soon everyone began to leave as the time went on. Tom and I left to, we haven't spent any time alone since we was pronounced man and wife.

Tom took me home and when we were inside he pulled me into a tight hug. "I love you so much Laylah" He kissed me roughly and passionately on the lips.

"I love you to Tom" I said after he pulled away from the kiss. Tom picked me up bridle style and carried me up into the bedroom and placed me down on the bed and got on top of me.

Tom and I made love for the first time as husband and wife.


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