5. Slytherin Jerk

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Chapter Five


 I pulled away and looked at Tom. "What's wrong?" he asked

"How do you feel" I paused for a moment "about me?" I didn't break eye contact with Tom trying to read how he was feeling, but I couldn't tell at all.

Tom just stared at me, for what seemed forever, as my stomach tightened waiting for his answer.

"Your okay, I guess" Tom said blankly.

Tears welled up in my eyes how could he be so loving one minute and so heartless the next. I got up and ran back to the castle crying my heart out. I disappeared through the castle doors, and ran back to my houseroom.

~~Tom's POV~~~

As Laylah was telling me about how she was suppose to be in Slytherin, it made me feel happy inside, 'she's not a blood traitor' I wanted to smile and just hug her, but I sat their instead leaving my face expressionless, as I would usually do. Then I herd her say the reason she regretting telling the hat to put her in Gryffindor, is cause she wished she were with me in Slytherin. My tummy begin to feel funny, and I lent over Laylah who was looking up at the sky, so I blocked her view, so she was now looking at me.

'She is so beautiful' I thought as I looked into her eyes. She sat up facing me, and I couldn't control myself anymore I grabbed her and pulled her into a hug. I felt her hug me back, and she rested her head on my chest. A gentle smile came across my face, which she could not see. All of a sudden she pulled away from me, and I couldn't help to wonder what I did. "What's wrong?" I asked her. Laylah then asked me how I felt about her. My mind begin to race, I could see her getting nervous as I was taking forever to answer. Without even thinking I just said, "Your okay, I guess"

I could see tears welling up in Laylah's eyes. She got up and ran off, back to the castle. I just sat there, and I started to feel bad.

'What is wrong with me? Why do I feel like this?" lines of frustration came across my forehead 'what are these feelings? Do I love her, is that why I feel bad for hurting her?' I shook my head 'no, love is for the weak, I do not love' I doubted my own words as I got up and headed back to the castle.

I headed straight for the dungeons, which led to the Slytherin common rooms. Waiting in the common rooms was Malfoy, Black and Lestrange, my 'Followers'. "Why did you take that blood traitor to the ball" Black asked me as I approached.

"She is not like the other Gryffindors. She is more like us than you think," I answered

"I doubt that" Malfoy sneered. I glared daggers at him, and he sunk back into his chair, cowering at the stare. I wish Laylah had been in Slytherin. No one would care about me seeing her than. It would certainly make things easier not having everyone watching my every move, just because who I hang out with.

I ignored their stares as I headed up stairs to bed. I decided I would talk to Laylah tomorrow and try make things right with her again.

~~End Tom's POV~~

I laid on my bed still crying, none of the other girls were back from the dance yet, so I had the room to myself. I was happy about it, for I did not want anyone to see me like this. My heart ached, I now wish I said no to going to the dance with Tom. 'Why did he even ask me to the dance, if he doesn't even care about me?' I thought as more tears fell from my eyes, and onto my pillow. 'He probably just did to try hurt me again. It was just all a trick'

Eventually I felt tired from crying and I drifted off sleep. Unfortunately I did not sleep for long, as the girls returning from the dance woke me up. The Girls all hoped into their bed. Ash however came over to me.

"Laylah, why didn't you tell me you were going to the dance with Tom" Ash asked me kind of hurt.

"I didn't think it mattered really" I replied not getting up from my bed.

"Well it does. He's a jerk and a Slytherin"

"You got that right," I mumbled into my pillow. As had heard what I said.

"What happened?" She asked me sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"I was a fool for every going to the ball with him," I said into my pillow. I sighed and sat up. Ash could see that I had been crying from my red eyes.

She pulled me into a hug "What did he do to you?" She asked worried

"He tricked me into thinking he actually cares, but I was wrong" I hug Ash back.

"Do you want me to kick his ass for you?"

I smiled at this and shook my head "Nah, it's ok. He will get what he deserves one day"

"I hope so" Ash replied, "Well we better get some sleep. I will see you in the morning"

Ash got off my bed and walked over to her own, getting under her covers. I could tell she fell asleep almost instantly. It never took her long to fall asleep. Unlike me, my mind always wandering and not shutting off.

I closed my eyes, trying to block any thought of Tom out of my mind. It was hard to do but it worked. It was to long that, I too fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.


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