15. Gryffindor vs Slytherin

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Chapter Fifteen

The next morning I woke up extra early. I hopped out of bed and had a quick shower before getting into my school uniform. I then headed down to the great hall for breakfast. To my surprise Tom was waiting outside the hall for me. He smiled when he saw me and walked over and pulled me into a hug, which I did not return.

"So, who did you blame for what you did on?" I asked Tom, a hint of anger in my voice. Tom let go of me and looked at me with surprised look on his face.

"Hagrid, he fit perfectly always around dangerous creatures, he was even hiding a giant spider in the school" Tom sniggered "Stupid half breed, no loss to the school really"

I gave Tom a death glare and turned to walk away. But Tom grabbed my arm roughly and pulled me in close to him.

"What! You'd rather it be me that was expelled?" He growled angrily at me.

"No but..."

"Well keep your mouth shut then! You said I could trust you remember?"

"You can Tom, I'm not going to tell anyone, but doesn't mean I have to agree with what you did" I growled at him and forced him to let go of my arm. I walked away from him into the great hall for breakfast.

"Ready for today Laylah?" Dean my Quidditch captain came and sat next to me smiling.

"Yeah I think so," I said nervously, playing with my food with my fork.

"Oh don't worry, you will do great. You have been all year" Dean encouraged me "Now eat up you will need my strength, the game starts after breakfast, ill meet you on the pitch" Dean gave me an encouraging pat on the back and walked off to meet his friends.

I ate my breakfast slowly, each bite making my tummy turn from the nerves. After I had finally finished, I went back up to the Gryffindor tower to get my broomstick. I ran down to the Quidditch pitch as fast as I could so I would not be late, and into the Gryffindor change rooms. My team was already they're waiting for me to arrive. I got changed into my Quidditch robes then sat around to listen to Dean's pep talk.

"It's the finals, Gryffindor verses Slytherin, It's our time to finally show them who is the better house, now I know they have won every year for the past 5 years. As you know, this is my last year and I would love to have beat Slytherin just once before I go, now everyone get out there and give it your absolute best!"

The Team and myself got up and marched out onto the Quidditch pitch with our heads held high. The Slytherin team was already there waiting. Professor McGonagall was going to ref the Quidditch game.

"Ok now I want a fair game from both teams, everyone on our brooms ready. Ok and begin" She threw up the quaffle, and then released the bludgers and followed by the snitch. I quickly flew and took my place in front of the Gryffindor goals. I watched the quaffle intensively not wanting to loose track of where it was. A Slytherin chaser had the ball and he was flying straight at me, dodging the Gryffindor players and bludgers, he threw the ball towards the left hand side hoop. Using the tail of my broom I turned and hit it, and it went flying off into the hands of a Gryffindor chaser. The Gryffindor stands burst into cheers, while the Slytherin students groaned and booed.

The Gryffindor chaser Ali Smith flew towards the Slytherin goals and she scored through the middle hoop. The Slytherin Keeper glared angrily at her, I cheered with the rest of my team.

''Gryffindor lead 10 to nil" yelled the Hufflepuff commentator.

After and hour the score was 90 to 20 Gryffindor lead. I had blocked 15 Quaffles from getting into the Gryffindor goals, and Dean kept giving me the thumbs up. Finally the seekers of both teams, Dean being ours caught sight of the snitch and they were off neck-to-neck chasing after it. The crowd went silent as they watched. The seekers were close to ground right behind the snitch; even the players now had stopped to watch.

I watched as Dean hand was stretched out the snitch inches from his grasp...

"Gryffindor wins!"

Dean had caught the snitch and the crowd went wild. "Gryffindor! Gryffindor! Gryffindor!" the crowd chanted together. I flew to the ground and ran into a group hug with all the Gryffindor players.

"Yeah! We did it!" Dean hugged me tight "You were great out their Laylah!"

I smiled at him "Thanks Dean so were you"

I looked up in the crowd and saw Tom he was furiously looking down at Dean, who still had me in his embrace.

"Laylah come with me for a second, I need to talk to you about something important" Dean whispered into my ear

I followed Dean a little way from the other players out of earshot.

"What is it Dean?" I asked.

"As you know this is my last year it is also my duty to pick a new captain for the team and Laylah I have chosen you. You are the most capable of the team and I think you will make a great captain"

A huge smile came across my face and I screamed in excitement pulling Dean back into a hug, I was so excited that I didn't even care that Tom had seen me do this. He was probably giving me death glares to my back right at this moment. I was so happy about Dean's news that nothing was going to bring me down today.

"Thank you Dean, I promise you I will lead the team to victory next year. Slytherin will not get back in front of us"

"I know you will Laylah, I have faith in you" Dean smiled at me and I grinned back at him.


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