23. The Dark Lord's downfall

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Chapter Twenty-Three 


After Tom's and my wedding I didn't have much contact with my father. Mainly because my father didn't like my choice in who I had married, and because I could tell Tom absolutely hated my father, though he did not ever show disrespect while around him.

Months had now gone by and I worked almost every day at the broom shop in Diagon Alley. Tom had now quit his job at Borgin and Burke's. He spent his days with the Death-Eaters. Lately I have been reading in the daily prophet about attacks on Muggles who had been killed. The Muggles had no idea of what these people had died by, but the Wizarding world knew better. They knew this was the work of dark wizards.

I sighed and put the daily prophet back onto the table in the dining room, where I was eating my dinner alone, AGAIN!

Tom of course was out with the death eaters, doing who knows what. Tom keeps me in the shadows of what they have been getting up to lately. Once again he bought up 'if you want to know you have to join' and I refused like usual. I already had a feeling that Tom and his gang was behind the murders of the Muggles. I know they are a bunch of Muggle haters, and enjoy watching them suffer.

Just as I was getting ready for bed, Tom had come home with a very pleased look on his face.

"Why are you so happy" I asked frowning at him.

"Finally everyone is going to know and fear my name!" Tom removed the hood of his cloak where I could see his eyes. They were red!

I gasped "Tom what's wrong with my eyes?"

"I have finally succeeded in making a few more Horcruxes, which I have hidden in secret locations...I guess ripping my soul has a few side effects" Tom chuckled.

"I don't think you should do any more Tom. Who knows what you will turn into if you keep pushing it?"

Tom smirk disappeared and walked over to me, I froze up with a look fear on my face as he approached.

"Do I scare you now with my appearance" Tom hissed at me. "Was my looks all that mattered to you?"

"No, of course not!" I said fear still shown upon my face.

"Good!" Tom grabbed me roughly and pressed his lips up against mine hard.

The next morning an owl once again arrived with the daily prophet. Tom had already left while I was still asleep. I unrolled the paper and read the front cover, the title being 'The Muggle Killer has been Identified' I read the little paragraph underneath the heading:

A small town just outside of London had been attacked yesterday afternoon, both Muggles and wizards have been murdered this time. In the air above the crime scene a smoky head with serpent coming out of its mouth, had been identified as the same above the other recent Muggle murders. The name 'Lord Voldemort' has been left at the scene. He has been said to be the leader of a group that go by the name 'the Death-Eaters'. Voldemort a wizard who has appeared out of thin air, his name not in any Wizarding or Muggle records, has said to be a very powerful wizard, being able to perform the three unforgivable curses without fail. He had taken down the toughest of the auroras' at the scene, and so far has been seen as the second most powerful wizard these days, right after Albus Dumbledore. To all Wizards out there keep an eye out, for this wizard does not show any mercy. If anyone has any information on lord Voldemort and his Death-Eaters please contact the ministry of magic, so we can bring these wizards to justice, before they reveal the existence of our world to the Muggles.

I put down the paper, now I knew what Tom meant by when he said, 'everyone is going to fear my name'. He had not only killed Muggles, but he had killed his own kind that stood up against him. I of course new who Lord Voldemort was, and the death eaters. But there was no way I was going to tell the ministry. Tom would be sentenced to Azkaban prison for life if he was caught, and I didn't want to be without him, even though he scared me, I still loved him.

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