6. Quidditch through the ages

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Chapter six

I awoke the next morning still wearing my dress from last night. I groaned grabbing my throbbing head as I sat up. The memory of what happened with Tom last night, still fresh in my mind.

I had a shower, before heading down to the great hall for breakfast. There are no classes' on today, because it is Sunday. I was happy about that. My mind wasn't in the mood for schoolwork.

A lot of people were already sitting at the four long tables having breakfast when I got down there. Over at the Slytherin table I saw Tom sitting with his mates. He looked up from his conversation he was having. He saw me standing at the door and our eyes locked. I broke the contact and walked of the Gryffindor table. I sat down next to Ash, who was already eating her breakfast.

"Hey" she greeted, as I sat down beside

"Hey" I smiled slightly, then looked down to my plate.

I was not very hungry, so I just ate a bit of toast. As soon as I had finished, I left and headed up to the library. I hadn't noticed I was being followed, until a voice made me halt in my tracks. I turned around to see who it was.

"Laylah?" Tom came striding up to me.

"Go away!" I turned back around and continued towards the library. Tom however did not go away. Instead he followed me.

I pretended he wasn't there, and went up to one of the shelves of books, looking for something to read.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that, I swear Laylah!" Tom pleaded with me.

I continued to ignore Tom. I finally came across a book I were interested in reading. 'Quidditch through the ages'

I took the book over to an empty table and sat down with it, opening to the first page. I began to read in my head, and I ignored the fact that Tom just sat down in the seat next to me.

"Why are you reading that?'' he asked me, looking at the title on the front cover.

"If you must know, I'm trying out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team next year. I want to know everything there is to know before the try outs are held"

I continued to read, getting frustrated at Tom, who was now just watching me as I read.

"Can you please go away and let me read" I now turned towards Tom as I said this.

"No, not until you forgive me for last night"

I got up angrily took the book back over to its self, and stormed out of the library.

''I'm not going to leave you alone until you forgive me" Tom said, hurrying after me.

I came to a halt and turned around to face Tom.

"I'm NOT going to forgive you, so just go away!"

This angered Tom, and I saw his face turn into rage. He grabbed me by the front of my robes and slammed me up against the wall behind me. I gasped in shock and a little of pain. Before I could even scream, Tom covered my mouth with his. He began to kiss me with such dominance.

His kiss was rough, but yet I liked it. I didn't try and push his away. Tom loosened his grip on me and slides his hands down, so they were now resting on my hips. I wrapped my arms around his neck, making the kiss a lot deeper. Passion began to over take the dominance of the kiss.

Although Tom was unable to tell I how he really felt last night, I could feel it in his kiss. I knew right then that he was in love with me to.

Finally the kiss came to and end, but we didn't let go of each other.

"I forgive you," I say in a mere whisper, as I rested my head on Tom's shoulder. Tom held me more tightly against him body.

Several students had walked by. Gasping in surprise at Tom and I. We both just ignored them and continued just enjoying holding each other.

Eventually we had to let go of each other and we walked away hand in hand back into the library, so I get the book I were reading before.

I grabbed the book of the shelf, taking it over to the librarian to borrow.

"Do you like Quidditch?" I asked Tom as we walked out onto the school ground. We went over by the lake, and sat on the soft green grass.

"Not really. Sport isn't really my thing" He replied

"What is your thing?" I asked him

"Defense against the dark arts"

I looked at him impressed "Do you want to be an Aurour when you leave Hogwarts?"

Tom shook his head and smiled at me "Actually, I want to be a teacher here"


"Yes. Hogwarts is the only real home I'm ever had. To teach defense against the dark arts here after I graduate. That is my dream"

Tom looked out at the lake. The wind coming off the water blew through his soft brown hair. He looked so peaceful and happy. It was hard to believe right now that this guy was a Slytherin.

I got to my feet, standing in front of Tom. I offered him my hand.

"Come on"

Tom took my hand "Where are we going Laylah?"

"To lunch of course" I smiled at him, pulling him to his feet "I'm starving"

We went to the hall. Tom went off to the Slytherin table to join his group. I felt a little disappointed that I didn't even get a kiss, or anything, before he left.

I sighed and went and sat down at my own table for lunch. Well I couldn't expect to much from him all at once.


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