4. The Winter Dance

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Chapter four



I stood in front of the mirror in the girl's bathroom doing my hair for the winter dance. I pulled my hair up and using my wand I curled bits of peaces of it. I put some clear shiny lip-gloss on and some black eye liner. I didn't put too much make up on, I didn't want people to think I was trying too hard. I was always a bit nervous with what people thought of my appearance.

I headed back into my bedroom where my roommates were all getting changed into their dresses and I got changed into mine as well. I wore a black dress that was tight around the bust, then fell from my waist to the top of my knees. It was strapless a light feeling. It had silver lace going down the sides. I wore silver high heals and some silver bangles to match.

The dance was being held in the great hall. All the tables had been removed and the room was decorated accordingly to winter theme. My roommates and I left and went down to the hall to meet up with our dates. I had not mentioned to anyone who my date was yet. I knew that they would make a fuss, that he was a Slytherin, Gryffindors rival.

As I approached the hall there was lots of people heading into the huge doors, all laughing and pairing up with their dates. As I searched the crowd with my eyes back and forth, they finally came to rest upon a tall handsome boy, who was leaning up against a wall just outside the dance. He had his arms folded across his chest and looked straight ahead of him looking rather bored.

I frowned slightly and when the crowd was all finally inside I approached the boy. "Tom?"

Tom turned his head so he was looking at me and a half smirk, half smile came upon his lips. He stood up straight from leaning off the wall, he reached for my hand then held it up to his lips, which softly brushed the top of my hand. I blushed and turned my head he would not see my now reddened face.

 "You look very beautiful," Tom said to me.

"Thank you" a smile crept upon my lips "You are looking very handsome yourself" my eyes then wandered down taking in what Tom was wearing. He was wearing a plain black suit, with his wizard cape draping from his shoulders. Although Tom was not in the best of suits that I have seen tonight, being as handsome that he is, made him stand out the most.

Tom held my hand in his as he led me into the hall. Everyone's eyes came onto us both. I could here people whispering in the crowd.

"Is that a Slytherin with a Gryffindor?"

"Isn't that professor Dumbledore daughter?"

I could also here some people from Slytherin talking, and I frowned at what they were saying.

"What's Tom doing with that blood traitor?"

Eventually the whispers began to fade as the band began to play. The hall darkened as the main lights went out, so the bright colors of the decorative lights stood out.

A slow song was playing and all the couples headed out onto the dance floor, and held onto each other as they dance.

 "Would you care to dance?'' Tom asked me and I smiled and nodded. Tom lead me out onto the dance floor, he placed his hands around my waist and I placed my around his neck. We both began to slowly move to the music. It was a long song, which I felt was good because I never wanted to let go of Tom.

Tom stared into my eyes and I stared back into his. I tried to see what he was thinking, but I had no idea, for Tom was very good at hiding these sorts of things, he just kept a straight face showing no emotion what so ever.

Finally the song came to an end. Tom and I walked of to some seats that where placed around the edge of the hall. More people moved onto the dance floor as a more disco song started to play, and Tom and I watched as the students where all jumping around like crazy on the dance floor.

As the night went on Tom and I didn't dance much, we just stayed on the side and talked. The loud music was starting to bother me as I began to get a headache. Tom could tell from the look on my face that I didn't want to be in the hall anymore.

"Do you want to go for a walk outside?" Tom asked me, half yelling over the music.

"Yeah, I'd love to" I smiled at him.

Tom held my hand and walked with me out of the great hall, and outside the castle. It was so quiet out here and I smiled as I looked up into the stared filled sky. The bright moon high in the sky, was the only light outside in the dark grounds of Hogwarts Castle.

Tom and I walked and sat over by the lake lying on the grass together. "Tonight has been really great Tom, Thanks" I turned on my side to face him.

"Do you still think I'm still trying to mess you around?'' he asked with a small laugh.

"No" I looked back up at the sky "Can I tell you something that I haven't told anyone?"

This got Tom's attention and he sat up looking at me with a small nod telling me to continue.

"The sorting hat was going to put me in Slytherin"

"Why didn't it?"

"I asked the hat to put me in Gryffindor, so it did" Tom could see a look of regret on my face. "Ever since that day I've wished that I just let the hat put me in Slytherin, I couldn't stand it when you was put in Slytherin and I was now stuck in Gryffindor" I didn't look at Tom scared of what his reaction would say, but I continued "These last few years, all I wanted to do was try get you alone so I could talk to you, and as this was impossible with my group always around and yours. I just gave up, still regretting not being in Slytherin, and wishing that I did what I wanted to do, instead of just letting the fear of what my father would think take control of me"

I was looking at the sky, I could see Tom staring at me out of the corner of my eyes. A slight hint of shock was on his face.

Tom lent over me so his head was directly above my own. My eyes met his and I sat up facing him. Tom grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. I held onto him and rested my head on his chest. I could hear the steady beat of his heart and I sighed with happiness. 'Am I falling in love with tom?' I asked myself but then realized 'No I was already in love with Tom, I have been since the first day I met him back on the train' I started to feel uncomfortable in Tom's arms 'but how dose he feel about me?'


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