18. Exams and Jealousy

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Chapter eighteen

The exams took place over 3 days. We did all our written exams on the first day and then over the next two days, we did all our practical exams. Those three days were the most stressful days of the year, even more so then dealing with Tom and the chamber of secrets.

I sat in the great hall, it has been a week since our exams, and Tom sat next to me at the Gryffindor table. He got a few weird looks from other students, but people were starting to get use to the idea of a Slytherin and Gryffindor dating now.

"Can't wait to get all out results back today," I said excitedly to Tom, "How do you think you did Tom?"

"I would have no idea," Tom said looking at me with a slight frown. I on the other hand knew Tom would do extremely well; he was like the smartest kid in our year. "How do you think you will do Laylah?" Tom asked me.

"I don't know, but I hope I did well. I'm so nervous" I said. At that moment the great hall was filled with owls swooping in at all directions. The owls all dropped a letter in front of a student and then an brown barn owl dropped a letter in front me. Everyone was talking excitedly throughout the hall. In front of every student now were there test results. I picked up mine and slowly opened it with trembling fingers. I smiled with relief at my results; I had gotten around the 80's for every subject except DADA, which I had gotten 98%.

I smiled happily to myself, I was proud of myself at my results; I thought I had done extremely well, more than enough to make my father proud.

I put my results away and turned towards Tom with a smile upon my face.

"How did you do?" I asked him.

"Not so good" He sighed looking down. I was surprised at this.

"Really? Let me see"

He handed me his results and I looked down at them, I gasped in shock 100% in everything! "You liar! You did so well Tom'' Tom smirked at this.

"So how did you do Laylah" Tom grabbed my results and read them before I could even stop him, my results would seem poor now compared to his.

"Not to bad, you did great for DADA" he handed my results back to me.

"I hope everyone is happy with the results of their exams this year" Dumbledore stood in front of the hall addressing the students "The teachers would like to congratulate Tom Riddle, the only student to receive 100% in all of his exams, well done Tom"

I knew my father would of hated to have to do that. Tom was smirking very proudly next to me as the students around the hall broke out in a clap for him.


Tomorrow was the day everyone went back home for the school holidays. Excitement was rising in the air as the school year was almost over. To celebrate the end of year school feast was held like usual, and the announcement of the school cup. Everyone sat at there tables, I at the Gryffindor table with Ash on one side of me and Dean on the other side.

"I'm going to have a few years brake after school, then I'm going to come back and try get a job here" Dean began telling me. I smiled at him, I was excited for him, but also sad that he was leaving and I did not know when I would see him again.

"I'm going to miss you next year Dean, It's not going to be the same without you on the team" I said, and he smiled back at me.

"If I can have your attention please, the house cup needs to be awarded" Professor Dumbledore stood in front of the school. Finally the chat had died down to complete silence.

"In forth place on 376 points, Hufflepuff, in third place on 398 points, Ravenclaw. In 2nd place on 431 points, Gryffindor" A cheer came from the Gryffindor Table 2nd was good considering last year we had come last.

"Oh well at least we still won the Quidditch cup" Dean said to me and I agreed.

"And on 448 points, the winner of the house cup this year, is once again SLYTHERIN" A even louder cheer had come from the Slytherin Table. As they cheered, Green hangings had fallen over the walls with the Slytherin Snake on them.

"Yes congratulations Slytherin. We still have one more award to give out, of course the Quidditch cup, and this years winner is GRYFFINDOR," Our house cheered loudly.

"Could Dean the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team please come up here, he would like to make an announcement to the school"

Dean stood up from beside me and walked up to the front, where Dumbledore was standing.

"Well, as you all know this year is my last year at Hogwarts" Dean said to the school "It has been an honor to finally win the Quidditch cup, and we couldn't of done it without the help of our new Keeper, Laylah Dumbledore!" There was some more cheering and when Dean started to talk again it went quiet "Now since I will not be returning next year, I'm am happy to announce that I have made Laylah the new captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team for next year!"

All the students around began shaking my hand saying "congratulations" and I smiled happily at Dean as he came back down and took his seat next to me.

"Thanks a lot Dean" I smiled happily at him.

"No one deserves it more" He replied.

Over at the Slytherin table I could see Tom glaring at Dean and me, I just ignored his stares.


The next morning I woke up, and quickly got ready to leave. Everything was already packed into my trunk so I only had to get dressed. I soon joined the rest of the school out front of Hogwarts waiting for the carriages to take us all to the train station.

Everyone boarded the Hogwarts Express to return to London, I caught the train this time to, so I could spend as much time with Tom as possible. I wasn't going to see him for like 3 months and I knew I was going to miss him terribly. He had to go back to the orphanage and he once again refused to come stay with me at my house for the holidays. I really wished he, and my father got along because it would not be a problem then.

The train ride was too quick for my liking and before I knew we were at kings-cross station. I got of the train, followed by Tom.

"Hey Laylah" I herd someone yell out to me from the platform, it was Dean. I walked over to him, leaving Tom where we were just standing.

"Hey Dean. I guess this is goodbye than" I said sadly.

"Yeah" Dean replied "I want you to write to me next year, tell me about every game ok?" he asked and I nodded smiling slightly. "I'm really going to miss you Laylah" Dean then pulled me into a hug.

"I'm going to miss you to Dean" I laughed hugging him back. Tears began to well up in my eyes but I didn't let them fall, Dean and I had really gotten close this past year, and when we pulled away, I saw that Dean also had tears in his eyes.

"Goodbye Laylah" He whispered he then lent in and kissed me on the cheek before he walked away.

"Goodbye Dean" I said as he left.

I turned around to see Tom coming over towards me looking extremely pissed off. I expected him to stop but he didn't he walked straight past me heading after Dean.

'Oh crap, this can't be good' I thought, as I went after Tom. I ran and got in front of him putting my arm out to stop him from going after Dean.

Tom stopped and looked at me, his eyes on me were like fire and I felt a bit frightened.

"It was just a friendly goodbye peck on the cheek," I reinsured him. Tom grabbed me roughly and pulled me into a hug.

"If anyone ever touches you like that again, I will kill them! You are MINE!"


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