Chapter One

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"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!" I screamed at my band mates, "She just fucking, up and quit?!"

"Yeah dude...she didn't really give us an explanation.." Jake nervously explained to an angry me.

"She did tell me that she didn't want to be in a band that was going nowhere..." CC commented from his drum-set.

I sat on the garage floor, thoughts running through my head, how could this happen, we finally had our shit together and now it's falling apart again. 

I look up at all of their worrying faces.

"I know what to do. Lets hold auditions, for a new lead singer, a new leader of the band." I exclaimed. 

CC smiled.

"I think we're popular enough now that people would want to come audition, right?" Jinxx nervously said. 

"We will set out flyer's tomorrow, Jinxx, post a status on Facebook about it, Jake, if you know anyone that sings call them up, CC, get the point?" I ordered all of them.

"We also need a knew name...Crystal is the one who came up with that name...I would feel dirty still using it. "Jake whined.

"We'll think of a new one, just for now lets focus on getting a new lead singer." I replied.

They all agreed and started packing their stuff into the van.

"Hey Ashley..." 

I turned around finding Jinxx hesitating to ask me something.

"What is it?" I asked.

"What if we don't find one?" 

I sighed, "We will, we're in Hollywood, how hard could it be?"

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