Chapter Thirteen

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A/N; sorry for the late update! I'm flying into California and had to be away from the computer. Let me know what you think, because I'm unsure if I should go any longer with this story or end it. Meh :/


We slipped into the shower, smelling like each other, it was so beautiful. Our warm, wet bodies rubbing against each other for clean water. He wrapped his arms around me so gently but yet so strong. I couldn't help but stare deeply into those piercing eyes. He is so beautiful, how did I get so lucky?

After an hour we hopped out of the shower and got dress. I put on a leather jacket and some skinny jeans, with boots and my bandana of course. I put my make up on, which took me about an hour because I'm very specific, and a perfectionist.

Andy however didn't need to do anything and he looked perfect already. He had a loose tank top on, fingerless gloves, skinny jeans, and boots. His hair was naturally beautiful, he didn't need to do anything to it. And of course his make up, gah.

He looked at me, blushing, "What're staring at Mr. Outlaw?"

I blushed and looked away, "Oh nothingggggg."

He grabbed me from behind and held me by my waist, "you're a bad liar."

His deep voice gave me shivers down my spine. I hate how he does that to me. 

I giggled, " what are we going to do today...", I changed the subject.

He let go and started pacing, I frowned, "What's wrong...?"

"I want to meet her."

I lifted my eyebrow, "meet who?"

"Your daughter."

I froze, I had forgotten all about that, "Why..."

"I want to see her for myself, I have a right to..right?", he asked, while looking at me with his blue puppy eyes.

I smiled, "yeah I'm just, I dunno, I'm nervous. I don't even know her and I just met her, are you sure you want to put yourself through that?"

I got close to me, forcing me to make eye contact, "yes, if she's yours, we will be a part of her life, whether you want it or not. Because she's going to grow up hating you if you don't."

I sighed, "Okay, I'll call her."

I left the room. I didn't want to deal with the hardships in my life, I would do anything to get out of them, which explains my past. For the longest time, no one knew about me or what I did to keep myself alive. Sure the band was paid for gigs, but it wasn't enough, at least for me. I've lived on my own since I was 13, I'm ashamed of the things that have happened, but I am so used to running away, this situation is no different, all I want to do is run. Andy would never let me though, he is right, that child would despise me forever and possibly try to murder me. Eh heh. Don't want that now do we.

As these thoughts run through my head, I hadn't realized that I've been on the phone with Sammie for about 20 minutes. I guess she was coming over with Kaydence. Shit.

I hung up and walked back to where Andy was, "Well, she will be here in about 30 minutes, are you sure you want to do this?"

Andy looked at me, "I think I am less nervous than you." he chuckled, "I'm intrigued honestly. If this child is yours, I want to be a part of her life just as much as you are."

"You're a better person than me, all I want to do is run away from this whole situation." I sighed.

"You're a great man Ashley, quit putting yourself down all the time. You need to give yourself more credit." he demanded.

I saluted him, "yessir."

He laughed.

The doorbell rang. That bitch is fast. Andy was the first to the door, like it was fucking batman on the otherside. He opened it and found Sammie and Kaydence, just as planned. I stayed back, fearing what would happen next.

Kaydence ran past Andy and straight for me, she grabbed a hold of my leg and hugged it, "Hi daddy!"

Sammie and Andy were staring at me, what the fuck....

I smiled and looked down at her, "Hey Kaydence...."

She looked up at me with my big brown eyes, "I missed you, is this your house? And who is this?", she pointed to Andy, "Is he in your band too? What's his name?"

I laughed, "Why don't you go ask him?"

She ran up to Andy, flashing her brown eyes once again, "Welllllll?"

He laughed and kneeled down to her level to answer all of her demanding questions, I wonder if he was going to be honest and tell her that we are together. 

Sammie walked up to me, "Thank you for having us..."

I sighed, "Look....I'll give you whatever you need Sammie, but I do want to be a part of her life. I need a DNA test though."

She looked offended, "B-but why? She's obviously yours, do you not trust me?"

"I just met you, I don't even remember us being together Sammie, cut me some slack. I want a DNA test and if I don't get one then I'm not giving you anything."

She sighed, "Fine, lets just do that today then."

"I'll go alone with Kaydence, you stay here with Andy." I demanded.

She glared at me, "Why."

"I want to talk to her without you hovering." I snapped.

Andy and Kaydence were still talking like no one was there, it was amazing how easily they clicked. It was cute, I could see him as a father.

I went up to Kaydence, "Kaydence want to go on a drive with me? Your mommy is going to stay here with Andy for awhile."

Andy glanced up at me in question.

"Okay...why can't Andy come? I like him! You have a pretty husband, daddy." Kaydence exclaimed with excitement.

I smiled, choking back tears, I'm going to be a little disappointed if she isn't mine to be honest. 

"I'm afraid this is a you and me thing Kaydence", I smiled. She frowned.

Sammie hugged Kaydence, I hugged Andy and told him I'd fill him in later and we left.

Kaydence was always excited to be around me, she asked me questions about anything and everything. My hair, make up, clothes, tattoos, Andy, my dogs, the band, the freakin universe. I liked it though, it showed me she was interested about my life. And of course I returned the favor by asking her a great deal of questions, she was very mature for being two.

We went into the testing center and waited for an hour for the results. I was too nervous to read them there so I waited til we got in the car.

Kaydence didn't know what was going on and I wasn't going to tell her, I wouldn't be able to handle her being disappointed. 

I opened the envelope.

My heart shattered.

A/N; what do you guys think so far?? Please let me know!

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