Chapter Three

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I woke up to the beaming light coming through my window, it almost blinded me. When I cleared my vision i noticed something black and fluffy in front of my face, its body was pressed against mind and my arms were wrapped around its waist.

Suddenly I realized.....its Andy.

My eyes widened..what if he wakes up and thinks I'm some creep???!!??!!?! I need to just slip away slowly so he won't even know that this happened. Okay Ashley, you can do this just don't wake him up.

God he looked so beautiful though...his mane of hair sprawled across the pillow, his lips curved into a smile, he's perfect.

But I still need to slip away.

One of my arms was underneath him and the other was on top...OH MY GOD I'M SPOONING HIM. I felt my face practically melt off.

Then he shifted and turned until he was facing me, still fast asleep. I have never prayed before but at this moment I fucking prayed to God that he did not wake up. 

I slowly started pulling my arm out from underneath him, as soon as I moved his eyes flickered open.

This is why I'm not religious.

"Eh heh..." I nervously smiled, "G-Good morning.."

He smiled and hugged me, "Good morning Ashley" he then let go of me and sat up and stretched out his long lanky arms.

D-did that just happen?

I attempted to sit up but nearly screamed...I was hard. He definitely cannot see this...I rushed to the bathroom and took a nice long piss. Thank god that's all it was. 

That was close. 

I came back to Andy already dressed. I got dressed into ripped skinny jeans, black shredded tank top, my cowboy boots, and cowboy hat. I looked at Andy to find him blushing, why was he blushing? 

He smiled, "You're...beautiful Ashley, do you know that?"

I blushed and my eyes widened, I was in shock. Did I just hear that? I stuttered, " heh..I um..I guess..I don't really care about how I look." I am such an idiot.

He stepped closer to me looking me straight in the eye with a serious look, "Don't ever think that you're not or I will kick your ass."

I am so turned on oh my god. 

I nodded. I knew if I tried to speak I would just kiss him and...well I don't know how he would react and frankly, I'm afraid to know.


Throughout that day we practiced with the band, days and days went on like this. Andy had school during the weekdays but he always came to my house afterwards to practice. 

Months went by, we finally had 10 songs that we could call our own and a band name, Black Veil Brides. I kept my mouth shut about my feelings for Andy, he treated me as a friend and I should treat him the same way.

Its February and every year there's a music festival in Hollywood. I entered the band without telling them, I figured it'd be a great surprise.

I called the band to my house to announce the news and they were ecstatic. But the celebration didn't last long since we had to practice pretty hard for this gig. We could only pick 3 songs to perform so we picked Saviour, Fallen Angels, and Youth and Wiskey.

Things were falling into place. 

Until the night before the music festival.

"Where is Andy? We were supposed to practice our songs tonight." Jake asked, sounding worried.

I paced back and forth in the garage, "I don't know, he was supposed to be here at 6, this is unlike him."

It's 8.

"Maybe we should go check on him..." Jinxx suggested.

"Yeah, we haven't really met his family, so maybe something is going on over there." Jake added.

I nodded and we hopped in the van a drove off to Andy's. He gave me his address when I gave him mine. I always found it odd that we never met his family. Of course mine was always around, my mom and sister that is, the rest of the bands family would come around and watch us play but never Andy's. Maybe I should've asked him didn't seem to bother him though.

We drove up to his house, it was a nice house, I was kind of jealous honestly, we should've practiced here!

We walked up the door, I knocked, there was silence then quiet footsteps. The door opened and there stood this woman who looked like she been through hell and back. 

"Can I help you boys?" she slurred.

"Um, yeah does Andy Biersack live here?" I asked.

"Yeah, what do you want?" her voice rose. 

"Um, we had band practice today and we were wondering where he was, it's unlike him to be this late." I explained.

"Well, sorry he won't be coming tonight." she replied sounding annoyed.

"But why? And who are you?" Jake asked with a bit of an attitude.

"I'm his mother, now get the fuck off of property", she said angrily and slammed the door.

I stood there in anger and shock, does he not talk to his family about us? I knocked, no I banged on the door.

It flung open.

"I told you to leave!" the woman yelled.

"Where the fuck is Andy." I demanded.

"He's-", she was cut off by him standing right behind her, "what the fuck are you doing down here, I told you to stay upstairs!", she yelled while lift her fist and making contact with his left cheek.

He fell down and my anger rose up. I pushed her out of the way and swung the door open. I went straight for Andy, he laid on the floor, whimpering. I went to grab him but I was pulled back from two wrinkly claws, it was her.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?!" she yelled while trying to push me back outside. 

"I will not stand here and watch some bitch be abusive to my best friend!" I yelled and picked Andy up bridal-style and walked out.

"Fine! Fucking take him, I don't want him anyhow! You'll fucking pay!" she cursed at us as we walked away. She kept going in circles with her words saying how she doesn't care about him but then threatening to call the cops on us for kidnapping, I didn't care. All I cared about was Andy and that he was okay. 

I looked down at his limp, weak little body in my arms, he gazed up at me and smiled.

"She's abuses drugs..." he whispered softly, sounding ashamed.

"Andy...I'm sorry.." I replied climbing into the van with him laying on my lap in the back seat. Everyone looked worried but they were grateful that he was safe.

He drifted off into a deep sleep and I couldn't help but sob. I wonder what else he has been going through, I'm just now realizing that he doesn't talk to anyone of us that much. But even worse, we never asked. I felt so guilty, so terrible. I was supposed to be his Saviour, and I'm doing everything but that.

I'm so sorry little Andy. 

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