Chapter Ten

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We finally arrived back in Hollywood, I am so jet-lagged, I just wanna curl up and sleep for a year. We were heading home and then my heart stopped.

Andy still lived with Juliet.

Shit, how is this going to work?

Andy noticed me getting lost in my thoughts, I looked at him a smiled, assuring him that nothing was wrong. I am a liar. 

"Baby, what's wrong?" Andy asked, not buying my smile.

" still live with Juliet, how is this going to work?" I asked quietly, looking down.

"I'll ask her to find her own place if she hasn't done that already...don't worry." he smiled and pulled me close to him.

Somehow I knew this wasn't going to end well. We dropped Jake, Jinxx, and CC off at our apartment, I tagged along with Andy to his house. When we arrived it was quiet in the house, but Juliets stuff was still there. I wonder if she was out or something. Andy took me to his bedroom, none of her stuff was packed, it's like they never broke up. 

I frowned, but it didn't last long. Andy pulled me in for a kiss. He wrapped his arms around me pulling me close, deepening the kiss. All the bad thoughts in my head disappeared. He pulled back just enough to whisper "I love you" and kissed me again. His lips were so soft and gentle yet he was so passionate. I pulled back and smiled, then noticed a figure behind him. It's Juliet and she looks furious.

I pulled away from Andy and coughed, ushering him to turn around.

"Oh, hey Juliet." Andy said casually.

"Don't 'hey' me." she demanded.

Andy frowned, "Look I'm sorry about what happened, but I thought it was best you knew the truth. I've loved Ashley since I tried out for this band and I'm sorry I dragged you into this, I really am." 

Her face turned red with anger, "You just fucking decide that you're gay and go fuck your bassist who has probably slept with EVERY girl in the United States?! Everything that went on between us was nothing because all you could think about was him right?!"

"Juliet, I'm sorry." Andy repeated.

"Juliet, I'm sorry it went down like this, we're both stupid for lying to ourselves and hurting others. I don't expect you to forgive us, but at least we told you." I explained, hoping she would calm down a bit. She's known for losing her temper, just like Andy, something they both have in common.

"YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP FAG!" Juliet yelled and punched me right in the nose and broke it.

"Ah! What the fuck Juliet?!" I yelled as I stumbled back holding my face. She charged at me for another hit, but Andy stepped in front of me.

"Move out, Juliet." he demanded, "Pack your shit and move out, now."

And with that she stomped around the house packing up all her stuff and within an hour, she was gone. I don't know where she went but I didn't care, my fucking face was bleeding.

"Ashley are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital?", Andy asked me for the 30th time.

"Yes baby, I'll be okay. I've had a broken nose before." I smiled. 

He hugged me, "Are you sure?"

"You worry too much. " I smiled and winked.

He blushed.

I sighed while trying to get the bleeding to stop, "So, um, what now?"

Andy looked at me with a confused look, "What do you mean?"

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