Chapter Five

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"Dude are you ready yet?! Andy and Juliet are already there!" CC yelled at the bathroom door. We were in a hotel for the night, tomorrow we would release Wretched and Divine then be on the Vans Warped Tour. It's going to be a long summer.

"Uh yeah, I'm almost done," I replied snapping out of my thoughts. I applied the rest of my make up and put on my leather jacket with no shirt under. I had to make sure everything looked perfect, yes I was that kind of guy.

I sighed, tonight would be another one of those nights where I slept with random women to get my mind off of Juliet and Andy, how I hated them.

I walked out of the bathroom to CC jumping up and down in excitement. 

"Cmon lets goooooo!!", he yelled while pulling my hand out of the hotel room. We practically ran to the car.

I drove to club we were supposed to meet at. CC and I pulled up we were immediately greeted by Juliet, following behind her was Andy. She hugged me first, I hugged back, there was no love in this hug. None at all. Then Andy hugged me and I melted. It always felt good when he touched me. He hugged me for a good 20 seconds, like he missed me or something. Oh, shut up Ashley, you're looking in too deep. 

We walked in and I went straight to the bar. How I love alcohol, it could never disobey or leave me. It was my precious.

I got wasted in an hour. I was stuck watching Juliet and Andy flirt and be all over each and be all couply, and shit. He was so sexy and so beautiful, why am I so ugly and pathetic? I took down another shot.

CC came over to me, almost as wasted as I was and tried to convince me to go dance. I refused until he took my drink. Fucking bastard. Jake, Jinxx, CC and I were dancing on the dance floor like idiots. We were all wasted, minus Juliet and Andy.

"So Ashley!" Jinxx yelled while bouncing up and down, that was his attempt to dance, "which girl you gonna take home tonight?"

I squinted around, looking for my prey, but I couldn't find any girl that intersted me.

"I don't know, I think I'll be going home alone tonight!" I replied to Jinxx, trying to yell over the music.

I finished another drink. At this point I can't even stand up straight. Jake guided me to a barstool right next to Andy, but Juliet wasn't there. I searched the room to find her dancing with friends.

I looked at him watching her, he's smiling like an idiot. Ugh, how I loved his smile but I wish it was for me.

He turned around and looked startled, "Oh hey Ashley, didn't even see you there." 

I smiled and swayed a little, "Eh whats new" I replied taking a shot.

He looked confused, "Uh what?"

I made eye contact with him, "Yew don't really pahy attention to meh and I've gotten used tew eht."

"Ashley what the fuck are you talking about?" he asked, cutting his eyes at me like daggers, he's getting angry. Shit.

"Ding Dang who's your boss!" I yelled while laughing, "Im just kidden Andy, calm down. I'm gonna go find a gurl naow."

I got up and stumbled to find some vulnerable girl wanting some Ashley loving. 

That was fucking close, you almost told him how you felt Ashley, don't get near Andy when you're drunk. Ugh idiot.

The night ended with me and this whore in my room, I fucked her and she left soon after. We were both disgusting, its like we new the drill. When she left I fell to the ground crying my eyes out. 

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