Chapter Sixteen

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It felt too good to say that. Almost like it was meant to be. I couldn't imagine anyone else being my son. He reminded me of me and I fell in love with him instantly. And I knew Andy felt the same, he sobbed when I told Kaiva that I am his father.

So we filled out the adoption papers, Kaiva said goodbye to his friends, which was sort of heartbreaking. They have been there almost his whole life, like they were brothers. But it sure wasn't enough to make him stay. As we left the adoption center Kaiva bursted into tears and wrapped his lanky arms around Andy and I. Forcing us into a, family hug.

"Thank you...", he sobbed into our chests, "thank you so much"

Andy pulled away and tilted Kaiva's head up and kissed him on the forehead. He is going to make such a beautiful father it's almost unbelievable.

"Don't thank us Kaiva, you are our son now. It's going to be difficult, but it's going to be worth it. We aren't doing favors here, we are developing a family", Andy looked at me and smiled, "so don't thank us."

Kaiva smiled and pulled us in for another hug.

He whispered 'I love you' under his breath, hoping we wouldn't hear

"We love you too Kaiva", I whispered in his ear causing him to turn 50 shades of red.

And at that we took him shopping. He only had 2 pairs of jeans and 3 tshirts, we figured he needed a little upgrade. He was hesitant to ask for anything, almost nervous, but he caught on quickly. By the end of the day he had a full wardrobe. He caught himself saying 'thank you' over and over again, Andy and I couldn't help but smile. He was so grateful for everything we bought him, including lunch. But it wasn't over.

We took him home and to us, this house was a normal Hollywood house, but to him it was as if it was a mansion. His jaw dropped as soon as he walked up to our doorway.

"This is where you live...?" He asked astonished.

"It's where WE live", Andy corrected him, opening the door.

I nudged him in the back, pushing him forward a step while Andy motioned for him to walk inside.

He observed every little thing in sight. From the tile to the cabinets to the tvs, especially our equipment.

He admired my bass and the drum set, and a few of Jinxx and Jake's quotas that they left here. It was like putting a 3 year old in a candy shop and saying 'BE FREE!'

I walked over to the spare room, usually used for guests but now it was his. It was on the opposite side of where Andy and I slept so he could have his privacy.

"Kaiva!" I yelled, he was really into the guitars, almost had to drag him away from them.

He walked over, looking all around barely paying attention to where he was waking until he bumped into me.

"Oh aha sorry ashley...", he stuttered, backing away.

I laughed, "did you just call me ashley?"

He nodded

"We have work to do, love. But for now you should take a look at your room", I said motioning him to go inside.

The room was black with a queen sizes bed, on top laid a red bed spread with guitars as a pattern, a black and white desk, walk in closet, an entertainment system with a flat screen tv on top, an a dresser.

He screamed like a girl causing Andy and I to laugh. We watched him from the door way admiring everything in sight. His hand stayed covering his mouth in shock.

"We left a lot of room for you to put whatever you wanted in here, so I guess we will have to do some more shopping", Andy explained while sharing a smile with Kaiva.

" did you know I liked all this stuff...?"

I laughed, "we figured whoever we would adopt would fit our lifestyle and we were definitely right"

He sprinted up to us and bear hugged, almost tackling us to the ground.

"I'm sorry but I have to say it, THANK YOU!", he yelled while sobbing.

Andy is my husband and Kaiva is my son. My life is finally perfect. I don't know what else I could possibly add to my life to make it complete. I know raising a 15 year old is going to be a challenge, especially all that he has been through, but I couldn't be more excited. Andy and I couldn't be happier to be parents, all we needed was each other.

And to think, this all started with a Saviour.


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