Chapter Eleven

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I stayed there on my knee for what seemed an eternity. The fans were screaming their heads off, begging Andy to say yes. I heard groups of girls screaming "Andley is real! I knew it!" from all over. I kept my eyes on Andy, he stood there, tears spilling out of his eyes.

He smiled and raised the mic to his mouth, "Yes, I will marry you my Outlaw", he finally answered. 

The screams shook the stadium.

I stood up and put the ring on his finger, then he grabbed me and kissed me, running his hands through my hair. I smiled while kissing him and held him by the waist. I could hear the band clapping and screaming into their mics with excitement. We pulled apart, I held his hand and rose it in the air.

"I finally have my Batman!!" I screamed. 

The fans chanted, "Black Veil Brides! Black Veil Brides! Black Veil Brides!"

We walked off stage and Andy picked me up and swung me around, kissing my cheeks and laughing. He put me down and stared at me smiling.

I blushed, "What're you looking at?"

"My beautiful fiance", he smiled and kissed my red cheeks, "I was so surpised baby, I can't believe you asked me."

"Why are you so shocked?" I asked.

"I...I don't know, I just never expected you to ask me and I was okay with that. I am so happy though. I can't believe we are going to get married!", he couldn't stop smiling.

I pulled him to me and hugged him, I held him tight. I never wanted to let go. My little Andy.

They next few months consisted of concerts and planning our wedding. We both decided that it would be awesome to have a wedding on a stage. Since that's where we belonged, nowhere else but on a stage. We invited friends, family, and fans. It'd be like a concert/wedding, we were both excited about that.

It was 4 months before the wedding and Andy sent me on a quest to look at stages. I immediately thought of our first big performance together, I went to that stage in Hollywood, it was perfect. Rustic but it fit us perfectly. I was talking to the manager on a deal we could make, but I was interrupted. This girl tapped me on the shoulder and asked to talk to me.

"Um, I'm actually kind of busy, I'm sorry", I replied extremely confused.

"Please, this is important", she demanded. 

I sighed and walked with her and sat down in some grass, "So um, what can I do for you?" I thought she was a fan or something, really creepin on me a bit if she is.

"You don't remember me do you?", she watched my every move.

I shook my head, "I'm afraid not"

She looked disappointed, "Well, um...we had sex a while back when you were on tour."

I blushed, "Oh um...I-"

"That's not why I'm here, I don't want more, trust me." she reassured me, I was a little offended but whatever.

"Well then why are you here? I really have to-"

"You have a child." she interrupted me.

I froze and laughed, "excuse me? I do not. That's ridiculous, I use protection plus we only did it one time."

"It only takes one time, I know its a shock and you might not believe me but I brought her here." she turned around and waved her hand, then a little girl with black hair and a pink dress came running up.

I froze. She looks like me...but that's impossible. She can't be mind. How old is she anyway? She has to be 2...that's..impossible.

"She's 2 and the dates match up perfectly Ashley, we, um, yeah 2 years ago. The date you were here was March 5th, I found out two weeks later, I had her in November. You were the only that I, um yeah, that whole summer." she explained.

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