Chapter Eight

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I was finally released from the hospital. My chest had 25 stitches, but eh I could deal with it. Made me look like a badass. 

When we got back on the tour bus Andy grabbed me and hugged me. It felt so good to be in his arms, how he ran his fingers up and down my back and tugging at my waist. I couldn't help but smile and blush. He pulled away and stared into my eyes.

"How long." he demanded.

I grimaced, "how long what?"

"How long have you loved me."

"Since you auditioned...", I replied shamefully. 

He blushed and smiled, "why didn't you say anything?"

"You always treated me as a friend, so I treated you the same. You never show interest in me like that." I frowned and hung my head in shame.

He tilted my head up with his finger, forcing me to make eye contact, "you are so stupid Ashley Purdy."

I tilted my head to the side and lifted my eyebrow, "Bitch say what?"

He chuckled, "I've had a crush on your for so long, but I forced myself to keep quiet because of all the women you slept with. I couldn't take it. When I met Juliet, she was a big distraction. I don't love her like I love you though, I never could." he trailed off.

My heart shattered and I took a step away from him, I had forgotten about Juliet. 

"I'm going to end it Ashley." he reassured me and pulled me in for a kiss, but I declined.

"End it first and then I will kiss you." I smiled and licked my lips.

He whined and begged, but I didn't want his relationship with Juliet to go on longer than it needed to. It either ended with them two or it ended with us. 

He sighed, "I'll call her right now." and he left the room.

Jake walked in blushing, "Hey Ashley, how ya feeling?"

"I'm good", I laughed, "and how bout you? Whatcha blushing about?"

He shifted awkwardly, "I'm not single anymore."

My jaw dropped, "Who is she?!"

His blush deepend, "'s CC..."

I screamed like a little fangirl, "Are you serious?!?! That is the cutest thing ever!" I jumped and hugged him.

CC came out in boxers looking confused, "What's going on?"

Jake blushed and looked to the floor, "I told him CC.."

CC blushed furiously, "Aha oh...yeah" he smiled at me.

"That's so cute!" I squeeled.

In that moment, Andy walked in with pain on his face. 

"Juliet and I are done." he looked at me and smiled, "but I'm not single."

I frowned, what was he talking about.

Jinxx walked in and shared the confusion between us all.

Andy took my hand and pulled me close,"Ashley, will you be my Outlaw? My boyfriend? My best friend?"

I blushed and kissed him for the first time. I could feel my body floating, my heart jump, the butterflies in my stomach were swarming in excitement. This was pefect. 

I pulled back smiling like a dork, "Of course, as long as you'll always be my batman."

He pulled me in and kissed me passionately. I could hear Jake, Jinxx, and CC tearing up in happiness. 

"IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU GUYS!" CC yelled while jumping on us mid-kiss. Jake and Jinxx joined in and it was a dogpile of men. 

Our night ended with a few drinks and off to bed. Its been a crazy few weeks and now we were finally going home. 

I changed into my black boxers and headed to my bunk, I opened the curtain to find Andy laying on my bed in his batman boxers. 

I blushed.


Jake and CC were cuddled up on the couch watcing a movie while Jinxx joined them almost asleep on the floor. I had the impression we were all going to bed but...guess not ;)

Andy pulled me into my back laying me on top of him. 

I giggled nervously, "Stop...I'm too heavy, you should be on top."

He smiled, "Baby you're perfect"

He put his hand on the back of my head and pulled me in for a kiss. His tongue ran across my bottom lip, begging for an entrance, which I allowed. I ran my hands up and down his chest, getting lower and lower each time. I rubbed him through his boxers, he was hard, but he wasn't the only one. I kissed my way down his neck and his chest, tracing his body with my tongue. I could hear his breath shortening. 

I made my way back up to his neck and searched for a sweet spot, I nibbled til I found it. He let out a loud gasp, gotcha ;)

I bit, sucked, pulled, and nibble on that spot, he went crazy. He tried so desperately to hold in his moans but it wasn't working. I bit harder and harder until he finally moaned my name.

"Ashley..." he moaned.

I hovered over him with a smirk on my face, yes I'm a cocky son of a bitch, "yes baby?"

"" his breath was short, but his words were clear.

"Hmmm, not yet Batman", I smiled and winked at him.

I made my way back down to his sweet spot and bit it one last time before moving my tongue down his chest. I continued to rub him through his boxers, teasing him. I wanted him to beg me. My lips traced his abs and his hip bones. I nibbled on the edge of his boxes, slowly starting to take them off. 

Holy. Shit.

He's fucking huge. >o<

I put the tip in my mouth and started sucking. His moans grew louder and louder. He chanted my name and begged for more. Just as I was about to go down farther, the curtain flew open.

I pulled the blanket over me and Andy's lower body. I rushed to pull his boxers up. Who the fuck.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry you guys! I uh was just...ah!" CC stuttered and turned quickly to Jake, "ABORT!"

They ran off laughing hysterically. I poked my head out from under the blanket, blushing and giggling at the same time.

Andy was so frustrated it was cute. He whined, wanting more. But the rest of the guys were begging to go to sleep. I crawled back up and held my against me. I could feel him, he was still hard even when he was fast asleep. I kissed the top of his head and held him tight.

"I love you Andy."

"And I love you, Ashley." he replied while reaching up for a kiss.

He pulled away, "Goodnight my outlaw."

"Goodnight Batman" I smiled and drifted off to sleep.

I will protect you. I promise to be your Saviour and I always will be. I love you my sweet Batman.

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