Chapter Fifteen

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A/N; Finally an update! Sorry guys! Been having a bit of writer's block. ENJOY!

It had been two years since Andy and I got married and we couldn't be happier. Of course there was the common bickering here and there, but it was never anything to worry about. The happiness overpowered the fights we had. Our marriage was perfect.

Our band has grown so much it is insane. Before, we could walk into a grocery store and not even be noticed. Now, we have to travel with security guards, EVERYWHERE WE GO. It's insane and kind of scary at times, but it is so much fun! I enjoy having fans run up to us, acting as if we are Gods to them. But we aren't, we just play music, but to them we are so much more and that is what keeps me going each and every day.

We had no intention of slowing down. We played as many gigs as we could, went on as many tours as we could, and partied hard of course. I am so lucky to have Andy as my husband, we were made for each other.

Today is January 16, 2015 and Andy and I had just woken up from a long night of partying. For some reason today felt different, as if something was going to happen. But we had no plans, except for recovering from a hangover. 

"Good morning baby", Andy whispered in my ear, a kiss on my cheek followed behind. 

I smiled, refusing to open my eyes because I am still exhausted. 

"Babbbyyyyyyy", he whined, "wake upppppppp"

I groaned, "I ammmmm"

"Lemme see those beautiful eyes of yours", he begged while poking on my eyelids. Ow.

"Stahp it", I groaned as I pushed his hand away slowing revealing my eyes. They flickered and watered, trying to focus on the piercing blue eyes inches from me. I smiled, he was so eager to be with me, it was ridiculous, but I loved it. 

His smile stretched from ear to ear, showing off his perfectly white teeth.

"C'mon, get up and get ready, I have a surprise for you!", he exclaimed while jumping on the bed, causing me to fall off. His damn gazelle legs. 

"Alright, alright, alrighttttttt. I am up", I said while standing up straight, everything hurt, "what's the surprise Andy? You know I'm hungover right?"

He chuckled, "Yeah so am I, but this is important! Go and get ready, and wear clothes for once!"

He was implying my habit of never wearing a shirt, "Fiiiiine, this better be important."

I groaned, shuffling to the bathroom. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, straightened my hair and put on a black v-neck with black skinny jeans. Of course, my cowboy boots and my star necklace. I put a little eyeliner on, I was too lazy to add anything else.

Andy got ready in the other bathroom, he never does that. He's acting so weird. This better not be like the last surprise he had for me. He had me fucking skydive. I cried, I don't want to talk about. 

I walked out to him pacing in the living room with the car keys.

"What is your deal?", I asked while giggling, he's so cute when he's impatient.

He perked up, surprised to see me ready so fast, "C'mon we're going to be late", he said while rushing past me, dragging me along to the car.

"I'm not going skydiving again am I?", I asked uneasily while getting in the car.

He put the key in the ignition and turned on the car, vroom vroom. He laughed at my question, "No I promise I'm not going to make you skydive, no matter how priceless it was."

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