Chapter Nine

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I woke up sore, not for the reason that you think, my bullet wound. I couldn't take the pain so I climbed out of the bunk leaving my Andy sleeping peacefully and walked outside. The bus stopped for the night and I'm assuming the drivers are out eating or asleep still. Oh well. I decided to go for a walk.

It was nice outside, there was a cool breeze and cloudy outside. Just the way I liked it. There was a river nearby and I decided to walk along it. I was lost in my thoughts. I can finally say that I am happy. I have the band and I have Andy, and I'm alive I guess that counts too. 

I stop and sit at the river watching the water flow. It's so peaceful here in England. Then I hear footsteps behind my, I turn around and no one is there, I shrug. I'm probably just crazy. I heard it again and then my eyes were covered.

"Guess who?"

I smiled like a cheeseball, "Baby."

Andy uncovered my eyes and sat on my lap, "I was worried when I woke up and you weren't there.."

"I'm sorry baby, my wound was hurting so I decided to get some fresh air." I smiled and pecked his lips.

He blushed. God he's so cute, I'm so lucky to finally have him.

His smile faded into a frown, "Ashley...why did you sleep with all of those women?"

I frowned, "I don't was a distraction away from you. I had to contain my feelings for you and that was the only way that I could think of...I'm sorry baby.."

He kissed me, he was rough and dominant. I liked that, a lot. He layed me down and straddled me, his hips started to grind onto mine. I let out a moan. Fuck, he turns me on so easily. 

I can feel his hand unbutton my pants and he wraps his fingers around me and starts thrusting. Gah, why is he doing this right here? Right now?

I'm almost in pain, thats how hard I am.

"Andy...please dont tease me..." I begged.

He smiled devishly, "I'm not like you"

He wrapped his mouth around my dick and deep throated me. How the fuck did he do that so easily?

"Andy..don't..stop." I begged over and over, moaning, trying to catch my breath.

He pulled my pants lower, exposing me, he went down on me faster and faster with each thrust. God this feels so good. I don't want this to stop.

"Andy...I'm gonna cum..." I moaned.

He stopped and looked up at me, our eyes met. 

He smirked and stood up. I watched him, confused and slowly getting pissed. Don't just fucking stop like that asshole.

He chuckled, "Calm down, patience little one."

I hadn't notice that my face was showing what I was thinking inside. I closed my eyes trying to calm down then I felt something tighten. Andy...was sitting on me...he guided my dick inside him.

I gasped, he moaned. 

"I..I don't wanna hurt you", I moaned, trying to catch my breath.

He winced, slowly moving up and down, "I'm okay baby"

He started moving faster and faster, and I moved along with him, pushing myself deeper and deeper inside him. I grabbed his dick and started rubbing while pushing deeper and deeper into him.

He blushed and moaned, "'!"

He screamed and came all over my chest, I came inside him. I gasped trying to catch my breath. He laid down next to me huffing and puffing. I looked at him and pulled him closer to me.

He tried to resist, "I'm sorry Ashley."

"For what?" I'm confused.

He blushed and pointed at my chest. I giggled and wiped my chest with my fingers and tasted his cum. He blushed and looked down, I lifted his head up and kissed him passionately.

"I love you Andy." I whispered as I pulled back.

"I love you so much more." He smiled.

We pulled on all our clothes after laying there for about 30 minutes and headed back to the tour bus. We were greeted by CC.

"Where the fuck have you two been?!" he asked Andy and I furiously.

Andy blushed without a reply.

"Can we just have sex with out being interrupted by you?", I laughed. 

CC blushed. And so did Andy.

I walked past CC pulling Andy by the hand, "And by the way CC I heard you and Jake last night."


The ride to the airport consisted of Jake and CC making out and Andy, Jinxx, and I watching Batman.

Andy was so serious about Batman it was like, his religion. I was drifting off to sleep. I could hear Jake and CC flirting and giggling, but it was interrupted.

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up. BATMAN IS ON!" Andy yelled.

Saw that coming.

CC laughed, "They show repeats all the time asshole.

Andy growled, "Shaht. Ahp."

I laughed. Hes so cute when gets defensive. I'm ready to be in the states and be with Andy. I had a very important question to ask him.... 

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