Chapter Seven

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I blinked a few times to clear my vision, this man looks shocked but he smiles and hugs me. I'm confused, why am I in the hospital? Who is this guy? Do I know him? I can't remember....

He let go then three other guys walked in...

"Ashley! You're okay!" one of them yelled and hugged me.

One just stood there smiling at me and the other ran to get a nurse I believe.

I sit there in my own confusion. Why don't I know any of these people but they seem to know me? The nurse walked in with a smile on her face.

"Well Mr. Ashley Purdy, I'm surprised to see you awake. How are you feeling?" she asked me while placing her hand on my forehead.

How the fuck do you think I'm feeling? I just sit and glare around the room in confusion. Then this middle aged man with a white jacket walks in.

"How are you feeling Ashley?", he observed me smiling, but once his eyes hit mine, he frowned.

"What's wrong doctor?" the guy with the deep voice asked.

The doctor rushed to my side pushing people out of his way, "Ashley, do you know what happened to you?"

I backed away from him, he was too close, "Um..."

"Oh no." he interrupted.

"What do you mean 'oh no'?" the guy at the edge of my bed asked.

They all started whispering back and forth, the doctor and the nurse looked at me strangly and they were talking amongst themselves.

"WOULD SOMEBODY PLEASE TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!?!?!?!?!!?!?" I yelled in frustration. Seems to me that everyone knows something that I fucking dont.

They all went quiet. I huff and cut my eyes at the doctor, "Fucking tell me right now, what the fuck happened to me and who are all of these people."

The one with the deep voice and blue eyes back away from me, his face showed pain, the others followed. 

I looked at him then back at the doctor.

"Ashley, you were shot in the chest at your concert-" the doctor started.

"Concert?" I asked, "What concert?"

"You're in a band Ashley, called Black Veil Brides and these are your band mates, " he motioned to the men in my room, "That's Andy, Jinxx, Jake and CC." he pointed at all of them.

"I'm in a band?" I asked the doctor.

"Y-you don't remember any of us...?", Andy asked.

I looked at him and shook my head no. I was getting frustrated, why couldn't I remember anything?

"He needs a catscan." the doctor demanded.

Andy started to sob and I couldn't help but watch and feel bad. Did he like me or something? Were we a thing? Or...what?

They took me to get my catscan and made me wait in my room with my so called bandmates. They looked heartbroken. I felt terrible but I really couldn't remember a single thing. The last thing I remember was being in a tattoo shop drawing hello kitty on some strippers ass. I'm so classy.

I turned to Andy, "Um...were we...a thing..or something?"

I was curious, he looked the most hurt out of everyone.

He looked up at me, his eyes were red and swollen, filled with tears, "No...but I was hoping that one day we could be..."

"I'm sorry..." I said, sounding guilty.

The doctor came back with the results. Apparently when I got shot I hit the ground and my bass, I guess thats what I play in this band, fell behind my head and I landed on it. I guess I hit it pretty hard. 

"I don't know if he will get his full memory back." the doctor explained to the band.

I somehow felt that this was my fault, but it's not. Wait a minute, who the fuck shot me? And why?

All these thoughts going through my head with no answers. I snapped out of it to find my room empty. Everyone left...I wouldn't blame them. I was probably really close to them and they didn't want to deal with me. This sucks...


Its been two weeks now and I still haven't recovered from my memory or from my bullet wound. They won't let me leave this fucking hospital. I slept a lot too so if I had any visitors, I wouldn't have known. I needed to pee. This is my first attempt at getting up out of this bed by myself. I'm not crippled. I had to gather all my wires and shit. I made it to the bathroom but there was water or something on the tile, I slipped and fell and everything vanished. 

"Ashley!!! Please dont, please!" I heard him beg.

Is that my Andy???

I opened my eyes to find Andy, Jake, Jinxx, and CC hovering over me.

"What's going on?" I grumbled.

"You hit your head pretty hard...scared us all..", CC explained.

"I doubt he remembers us though..." I heard Andy huff under his breath.

"Why wouldn't I remember you guys?" I asked confused.

Their faces lightened up simultaneously. 

"You remember us??!?" CC yelled while jumping up and down.

"Uh yeah why wouldn't I?" I am so confused.

Andy hugged me tight, tighter than usual, "Thank God." I heard him sigh in relief.

"What happened?" I asked.

They all chattered in informing me that I was shot and that I slipped into a coma. Then shortly after I lost my memory for two weeks and that there was no hope for me until I slipped and hit my head while attempting to go to the bathroom alone. 

"Wow...", I'm so overwhelmed.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Andy smiled.

Then my vision went a blur and I can hear Andy yelling...I can see him to. He's running after me.."I love you Ashley!" I hear him say...

"Ashley...?" Andy nugged me, pulling me out of this flashback.

I looked at him, shocked, "you love me?!"

He blushed, "you remember that?"

I pulled him into a hug and whispered in his ear, "I love you too, Andy."

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