Standing in a crowd
Alone and lost
Hearing those calls of laughter in the fair
Happiness is shared with a sense of warmth
Just a shell in the center of it all
A coldness is befriend so, watch from afar
No one is there.
Just a shadow and a pulse running in the air
Wind has carried the soul far away
Now a ghost roams with nothing to care
Just like a wave, comes and goes
Feelings are thrown about
Everything turns to nothing
And a mist covers the memories
The worst takes over
Now there are scars on the shell
Trying to hide the fear of getting hurt
only the darkness knows what's real.
The cloth covers the truth
While the blankets cover the tears
In the day it's a hollow item with its keeper lost in its dreams
Then at night the ghost returns to relive the storm
No one is there.
Just a shadow and a pulse running in the air
Wind has carried the soul far away
Now a ghost roams with nothing to care
It's all an oncoming storm
And no one is aware
The balance can always tip and no caution is spoken.
Lips are shut when the sun is up
And everything is hoarded inside
As the soul is left to take its glide
With the stars visible , the moon shines
Life is at peace with no noise to surround
Yet there is that whispering sound
That crying voice with the silent, unsure yell
"What if I wasn't here? What if I didn't do that? What if..."
Two introductory words that lead to so much more
The different times cover the act
Years go by and the power of it increases even more
Still holding on but slightly slipping off
Who knows what the future will bring
But, gotta hope it's the best
No one goes through so much pain because life can't handle it;
It's a test for us all so, just flow through the rest
Stuck in the past with visions for what is eventually fated.
Look towards that and the ghost will return
Not to cry
not to feel the hatred or the angst
But to make the best and forget of the scars that have been tainted
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School's gonna start soon. -head desk- May the odds be in our favor
Ps. Thanks to Sara for helping with the title of this c:
Telling's from the heart
PoetrySo here are a collection of poems inspired by stories whispered or stories told. Here are to those going through tough times and to get better. Here are to those that are at their peak and to keep up their good work. ***PLEASE IGNORE THE LETTERS THA...