Chapter 3

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By the time my sister came home from the store I had finished my homework. I hear the door open and I pause the music I was playing. There are steps coming from outside my room. Emily pokes her head inside the door frame and says, "Please come help with the groceries. There are quite a few and I need help putting them all away." She smiles and closes the door.

I pick up my phone and put it into the pocket of my hoodie, then start to climb out of my bed. I make my way downstairs and look at the pictures down the hallway. There is one of my dad and me in a cornfield. I'm on his shoulders and we're both smiling. I smile just as Emily yells for me to hurry up. I continue down the hallway to the stairs.

"So, how was your first day at the new school?"

"Good." She nods and puts away the oranges. I grab another bag before putting all the contents away. That was the last of our 'conversation'.

My room is dark as I walk inside. I wordlessly try to find the light switch on the wall. My hand moves up and down before finally pressing the button. All the lights turn on at once and I squint at the change. It's late so I just walk into bed without doing anything.


I wake up to my alarm going off. My hand shoots up from under my covers and slaps down on the machines top. It reluctantly turns off and I groan. I hate waking up early. So, I turn back to my side and close my eyes once again.

Around fifteen minutes later my eyes widen as I remember that I still have to get ready for the dreaded thing called school. I stand up from my bed and walk to my closet. I open it up and I come face to face with my mirror. I strip down until I'm only in my undergarments. My face squished in disgust and I walk away. My closet mainly has skinny jeans, leggings, or hoodies. There are some shirts and shorts, but I hate how I look in most of them. Therefore, when summer hits I'm usually inside in my hoodie and capris while everybody is outside with their shorts and tank tops.

I sift through my clothing rack before I pick out some light blue skinny jeans and a plain white hoodie with nothing on it. I pull on both of my clothes and look at the time. I only have fifteen minutes to finish getting ready and drive to school. Soon I'm sprinting into the kitchen. Emily isn't here and neither is my mom. I can tell by how silent it is and that both of their cars are out of the driveway.

My first instinct is to get a banana for breakfast, but I think better of it. My keys are jingling in my pocket as I grab my backpack. I walk to my car and open up the door. I put the key in the slot and turn it until the engine roars to life. The car pulls out of the driveway and drives down the road.

The drive is usually ten minutes, but with me speeding I make it only seven. I find a parking space and park into it before I lunge out the door and start speed-walking to the school's front doors. There are only two minutes before the late bell rings. One of my backpack's straps falls down my shoulders and I hurriedly pull it back up.

I open the door and stumble in. Some of the students send me weird looks before I push past them. My locker comes into view and I start to walk even faster. I shove the books I don't need into my locker and keep the ones I do in my backpack.

Soon I see my classroom and I quickly run towards it. Before I get to the door I see Grayson and I smile. He doesn't see it because he's turned the other way. My smile is still on my face as I follow him inside. The bell rings shortly after I come through the door and the teacher gives me a stare. I just roll my eyes and sit in my seat.

"How many more times are you going to be late before you realize your teachers don't like it?" Grayson says with a chuckle and the shake of his head.

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