Chapter 8

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The beginning of September air forces me to wear a jacket to school. Back in California, it was never this cold. Everyone will probably be wearing sweaters, but not me. I'm already wearing my winter coat that I brought from back home. In my car on the way to school, I crank the heat up all the way. My teeth chatter as I take the left turn into the school's parking lot. I park my car and pull out the keys. As soon as my hand reaches to open the car door, Chris rushes up and opens it herself. The cold wind rushes onto my face and I shiver.

Chris rolls her eyes. "It's not even cold."

I step out the car and slam the door shut behind me. "It is if you're used to California weather your whole life."

She shrugs. "Fair enough."

We walk through the school doors and she continues talking. "So, how's it going with you and Grayson? You know, now that you guys are official." She bumps her shoulder with mine and winks.

"Nothing's changed except for our title," I say with a shrug. It's true; we both act like nothing even changed. Well, for the first couple of hours he constantly called me 'girlfriend' over the phone instead of my actual name just to annoy me. It wasn't that annoying actually. It's not like I didn't do it to him as well.

"Genna's boyfriend at ten o'clock. Time for me to leave. See you!" Christy yells as she runs in the opposite direction.

"Wait what?" I yell, not knowing what the heck just happened. Grayson and Blake walk over to me and soon enough, Grayson's arm is wrapped around my shoulder.

"How are you, girlfriend?" He says, purposely dragging out the 'r'. My eyes roll at this. I see Blake's eyes darken, but as soon as we make eye contact he looks away.

"Fine, guy who keeps annoying me." Blake seems amused at this.

"I have done nothing wrong, and I therefore don't deserve to be treated like this" Grayson puffs out his chest all mighty like.

Blake's hand pushes his chest back in place and shakes his head. "Oh shut up. You have done everything to be treated like that."

I laugh and look up to smile at Blake. He smiles back, but turns to look away when Grayson says, "I won't stand for this." He walks away and Blake and I stand there, still laughing at him.

"So..." Blake awkwardly starts.

A couple of students walk into us, which forces us against the lockers. We both lean against the cold, metal doors and make eye contact.

"So official, huh?" Blake asks me with an eyebrow raised.

My face flushes in embarrassment and I shrug. "Yeah... I guess."

"You don't sound too excited about it." His eyes somehow show relief and guilt at the same time.

"No, no, of course I am." I try to conceal my hesitation, but Blake sees it.


I sigh and nod my head. By now we only have a minute until actual classes start. "Yeah, of course. See you later." I wave goodbye. He sighs before walking in the opposite direction.


"Make sure you do the homework tonight," My teacher says as the final bell before lunch rings. I stand up and start putting my things away. A sound of relief escapes my lips as I make my way to the cafeteria. The walk there is lonely without Chris by my side. She had to get called down to the office. Apparently her aunt was in a car crash. She's fine, her mom just wanted to inform her about it.

My hands open the cafeteria door and I'm immediately greeted with anxiety. Some people are looking at me so I rush to grab a tray. After I grab my food, my tray consists of an apple, milk, and a water bottle for later if I get hungry, I sit down in the seat next to Grayson and he wraps an arm around my shoulder. I curl into him.

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