Chapter 13

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Saying, "I love you" has drastically changed my life. I'm not going to say all that bullshit about how, "my mornings are brighter, my sadness has lifted off my shoulders, and I couldn't be more happy," because as I said, that's bullshit.

By change I really mean, "my schedule is more crowded because there's more pressure to get together, sometimes I forget to say it back which makes me feel like a crappy girlfriend, but overall, it's a pretty good feeling," I've been in love before, once, his name was Connor. With him I felt amazing, like I could conquer the world. Unfortunately, our indestructible had to break down shortly after our confessions. With me moving, it just wouldn't work. I'm most definitely over him, I just sometimes miss the feeling.



"Oh, come on."


"Just think about it."

"I said no, Genna!"

Here I am, currently trying to convince Blake to go on another date with Lainey. They seemed to have a great time on our double date and from what I heard from Grayson, Blake had a good time on their second date. So, why is he so stubbornly saying no to a third one?

"I thought you liked her." Blake has rolled his eyes constantly, so many times that I'm afraid his eyes might roll up to the back of his head.

"I do like her, but I don't want to go out." He seems exasperated, so done with me... oh well.

He rounds the corner and stops in front of his third period class. I reach my hand to put on his shoulder. His eyes burn holes into the back of my hand before awkwardly shaking it off and walking inside the room. Weird.

"If I think about it will you stop bringing it up?" He asks, desperate.

"Sure thing!"

The bell rings, signaling it's best for me to get to my class. It doesn't really matter if I'm late to gym because we get time to change so they can't really tell. My feet carry me to the locker room, where I change into the gross uniform and put my hair up. I wrap the hair tie around my ponytail without looking at the mirror. My self-esteem is already low enough, I don't want a picture of my body wearing this gross sack to make it worse. I exit the locker room and go into the actual gym. The teacher always come late, so everyone does whatever they want for the first few minutes. Since I'd never been to this high school before, they put me in normal gym. I couldn't complain, I had Grayson in this class.

Speaking of, long arms wrap themselves around my waist, caging me into the culprit's chest.

"Hey, babe." Ah, that gets me every time.

I turn around and put my hands on Grayson's cheeks. "Hey to you too," His head buries itself into my neck, sending chills down my spine, no matter how warm his face his. "Love you," I say, the two impactful words muttered.

He lifts his head up and smirks, "Ditto," he says.

"Lakint, Welmer, get your hands off of each other before I report you two!" It seems like our eyes roll in sync as we break apart and go find our designated spots.

To no surprise, gym class went by extremely slowly. We barely do anything because the teacher picks at every little thing any student does and yells at the entire class about it. I hear her annoying voice more then I hear feet running on the gym floor.

The locker room is hot and sweaty by the time I walk in, which is as fast as I walk out. The cold breeze fans across my hot skin, making me feel less sticky. My hand reaches up to my hair and pull my ponytail out. A shoulder bumps into mine.

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