Chapter 20

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It's been days. I still haven't 'recovered', whatever that means. I've been distant from everyone and anything that used to be considered normal to me.

The only person I'm willing to talk to is Blake. He's helped me forget about everything and for that I am grateful. I didn't think I'd be able to smile, but he's made me laugh until I cry. It's never a dull moment around him.

Chris hasn't stopped trying to get in touch with me. Ignoring her during the two days I've been at school has been hard, but I just don't know how I'd talk to her after everything I've done; she must be so disappointed in her 'best friend', if I was even that anymore.

The only thing harder than hiding from Chris is hiding from Grayson. We have three periods together and it has been Hell. We're chemistry partners during first hour and I have been blessed because we were recently assigned an independent project, so we won't have to work together.

Third period is when we both have gym, so I ignore him as best as I can. I don't know if it's a good thing, but he makes it easy. Whenever my eyes try to find his, they're never looking at me.

The smile that is constantly on his face proves that he has completely forgotten about me and what we shared. For being the one that said "I love you" first, he's really moving on fast.

Wednesday at school means sloppy joes in the cafeteria. I gag at the smell. I can't even remember the last time I had something with as many carbs as one of those. I used to miss the food, but now the thought of it is repulsive.

"Genna Welmer!" Yells Chris from across the cafeteria. "You better explain yourself!" Everyone's eyes are trained on the crazy blonde with the loud voice and her target: me.

"Uhh...," I stutter. My pulse starts to rise as I make eye contact with someone every time I turn my head. My hands shake and beads of sweat start rolling off my palms. I'm pulling at the bottom of my hoodie when I get up to go to the bathroom.

Before I can make it out, Chris grabs my wrist and pulls me back. She looks at me with annoyance and betrayal, but I'm not surprised. With the way I've been treating her, I deserve it.

"Where do you think you're going?" She says, at a normal volume this time. "You need to talk to me... now." My whole body shakes in her grasp and clouds fill my brain. I can't think right and now is not a good time to explain to her what happened.

"I'm sorry," I say before ripping my arm away from her and sprinting out the cafeteria doors. I don't look back, not wanting to see her disappointed expression. Automatically, I try to go the bathroom, but then realize that she'll probably follow me in there. The janitors closet comes into view and I rush towards it, throwing open the door and quickly locking it.

I crouch down into a fetal position and grab onto the nearest thing I can find: a broom. My body rocks back and forth and shakes for what feels like hours.


The sound of knocks on the door shake me out of my wretched thoughts. I jolt upwards and check who it is. I know it wasn't the janitor; everyone knows that she doesn't do her job and instead reads magazines in the lounge.

My eyes connect with a magnificent blue and I immediately hide myself from the small window.

"I know you're in there," Yells Blake. "Chris said something happened. I've been looking everywhere for you."

He has? Why does he care so much? I know we've been hanging out more recently, but that's still not a reason.

"Open the door," I don't budge. "Genevieve." My heart lurches at the sound of my actual name. I haven't heard anyone call me that in a while. My hand reaches for the doorknob and twists it open, unlocking it in the process.

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