Chapter 5

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Ugh, Monday. In my opinion, and many others, this day sucks. Especially when you are a seventeen year old girl who has to wake up early morning for Hell, or as parents call it, school.

I wake up with a pounding headache. I walk to the bathroom and pull some medicine out of the mirror cabinet. When I close the cabinet I cringe. I have bags and dark circles under my eyes. There is crust in the corner of the, and don't even get me started on my hair. It seriously looks like a jungle. Well, minus the animals, but I wouldn't speak too soon.

I brush my teeth and grab a hair brush before walking towards my vanity. Brushing my hair takes about fifteen minutes; the struggles of long hair. There's a minimal amount of makeup on my face once I'm done. Just some concealer for my under-eyes and mascara.

My outfit consists of ripped, black skinny jeans and a baggy band t-shirt that I tuck in. I skip the mirror and head straight downstairs.

Right when my foot makes contact with the last step my mother yells at me.

"Where have you been? You have only fifteen minutes to get to school and you still have eat breakfast!" She stands with her hands on her hips, a dangerous stance. A.k.a., the stance that means I need to get my little ass out of the house. Her bright eyes meet mine in a piercing glare and I gulp.

"Don't worry, I'm just going to get food at the cafeteria. They give out food in the morning incase people forget to eat."

"Do you have money for it?" No.

"Yeah, it's in my locker." I smoothly lie to her.

"Okay, just remember to get something healthy." I nod and grab my keys and bag before walking out the door.

My car starts up and I pull out of the driveway and start my way to school. I applaud myself on not needing the GPS anymore. The scenery is now implanted in my brain, but only for the way to school. You could ask me to drive three blocks down to a grocery store and I'll end up in Kansas.

The first day we were here my mom wanted me to go fill up her car and I ended up stranded at a Mexican restaurant two hours away. That surely sums up me experiences with directions.

I pull into a parking spot and get out. Before I could get to the school Christy runs up from behind me and grabs my arm. I swerve around and face her. She sees the puzzled expression on my face and starts talking.

"So? Are you going to give me the details or what?!" She nearly screeches into my ear.

I forgot that after my date with Grayson I told her I would tell her what happened at school.

"Okay first, calm down. And second, please let go." She lets go and nods. "Thanks, but can this please wait till we get to my locker?"

She rolls her eyes but mumbles a, "fine" under her breath.

We get to my locker and she proceeds to look at me with pleading eyes.

I groan and roll my eyes. "It was fun. I don't know what else you want me to say about it." She looks at me like I'm crazy. "What?" I ask with an innocent expression.

"You don't know what I want you to say about it? You don't know?!" By now she is totally yelling and people are starting to look. "You know what I want you to flipping say! So say it you little twit!" The students who walk past us look at her as if she's crazy. She notices this and starts to blush. "Can you just tell me please?" She murmurs softly with her head down.

I chuckle at her and finally give in. I close my locker and start walking to my first class, Christy rushes till she's walking next to me.

"I had a great time. He took me to the carnival." I smile at the memory. "We just walked around and talked about anything and everything. It was the most fun I've had in awhile."

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