Chapter 14

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I still haven't confronted him. After my huge inner monologue I, again, left, leaving Grayson in the middle of the school parking lot. I'm hoping I'll finally gather the courage to talk to him today, but that means that I'll have to ignore him before then and I don't know how I'll do that.

The school walls are as bare as usual when I walk in. I have third period with Grayson, so until then let's hope I'll be safe.

Just as I expected them to be, my first two classes almost made me fall asleep. I have second hour with Blake, but he never seemed to be looking at me, at least when I was looking at him. Whenever I turned my head I'd go back to feeling his burning eyes into my back. As soon as the bell ring, he ran out, probably trying to distance himself from me.

My next class is gym, the one I have with Grayson, but it's pretty easy for me to ignore him. I walk into the locker room, change, and linger inside for a little longer. Maybe if I can stay in here for a little bit, Grayson won't have any time to come up to me. Damn, the extents I'm going to ignore this kid are kinda frustrating. The day I thought I'd try to ignore him is the day I never thought would come.

My teacher comes into the locker room and ushers everyone into the sweaty gym. My eyes wander around the room for a certain someone. I never make eye contact with those grey eyes, so maybe the person they belong to is sick.

During gym all we did is running, well I shouldn't say we because I basically walked the entire time. I've never been one to participate in gym and I'm not going to start now. That's the reason I couldn't be gladder that our grade is based on attendance.

I walk out of the locker room, smelling of the perfume I just sprayed to cover my gross skin. The hall feels cold and I make my way to my fourth class of the day.


Since Grayson wasn't here today, study hall was completely boring. My teacher's incredibly lazy and didn't talk to me about abruptly leaving yesterday, so I have nothing to worry about concerning that topic. She's one of the only teachers that doesn't really care, but then again I couldn't just go ditching every day.

I get into my car, my hand automatically going to turn on the radio. Driving anywhere without any music is extremely boring. The soft music buzzes around the vehicle. I nod my head to the beat, my hands unconsciously tapping the steering wheel. The car parks in to the driveway and I get out. The house is empty, no surprise. Emily has all her stuff packed up to go back to college, so she's been spending her last days hanging out with old friends that never went anywhere. Her small amount of crap is all over the living room, so I have to wiggle around the boxes to get to my favorite spot: the couch.

Nothing happens the entire time I stare at the TV. My hand constantly clicks the remote, looking for a channel that will hopefully not bore me to sleep.

It's five o'clock and my stomach is growling. I'll just pretend it's nothing then continue to surf through our DVR. The only thing I had to eat today was half a salad at lunch, which is pretty good.

The doorbell rings half an hour later, confusing me. No one should be coming home besides my mom and sister, but they just come through the garage. I stand up and walk to the front door. I open it and the person staring back at me is the same person I've been trying to get away from.

"Genna?" Grayson says as he stares back at me while standing on my front porch. On instinct, I shut the front door with a slam. I lock it and turn around, my back hitting the cold surface that I just slammed in my boyfriend's face. He wasn't at school, so he turning up at my house is for sure surprise.

The doorbell rings again and my breathing becomes faster. The thought of Grayson being here and me having to talk to him freaks me out. I didn't know that all of this would come so soon and that this problem would have to be sorted out right now. My head spins and my heart feels like it's pounding out of my chest. My hands grab my face as my body sinks down to the floor, my breathing extremely heavy.

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