Chapter 9

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My date with Grayson was nothing spectacular. I still had a great time, per usual. It's a Tuesday morning when my sister comes running into my room throwing off my covers. "Get out of bed, you're going to be late!" She yells in my half-asleep face.

"It's a teacher conference day," I incoherently mumble under my covers.

Emily ponders this for a second before blushing in embarrassment. "Oh, sorry. Mom why didn't you tell me?!" She yells as she walks out of my room and towards the kitchen where my mom is currently trying to make breakfast.

I decide I might as well get up since I won't be able to fall back asleep. Blood rushes to my head as I sit straight. My head spins for a second before everything goes back to normal. I make my way to my bathroom. When I pass the mirror I wince at my reflection. Not only is my hair a mess, but my shirt has ridden up. I quickly pull it down and head towards the shower.

I get into the shower. The warm water hits my bare back and I relax. Usually, I only shower for ten minutes since I do it before school, but because we have a day off, I decide to stay under the water for a few extra. Getting out is the hardest part. I'd been so relaxed and warm, so compared to the steamy bathroom, walking in only a towel is freezing.

When I get to my room I check my phone before I do anything else. There was an unopened text from Grayson. A smile crept across my face as I picked up my phone and read it.

You busy?

No, why? I answered back.

He didn't answer for a while so I decided to go dry my hair. It took me fifteen minutes, and when I came back he finally answered.

I thought since we have a day off I could take you out today. Nine?

I thought about whether or not I wanted to go out in the cold weather. On one hand I really want to go out with Grayson, but then again, the cold.

I shiver at the thought, but still reach for my phone to text Grayson that I'll be ready at nine.

My next move was to go downstairs and greet my mom. She should be awake already since she has to leave for work soon. I take my time down the stairs. When I reach the landing, my mom is shoving her laptop into her bag.

"Good morning," I say when I reach the table she's standing at.

Her head lifts when she hears me and she hurries over and gives me a hug. "Oh, honey, good morning. I didn't think you'd wake up, no school and all."

"I wasn't planning on waking up, but someone decided to do it for me..." I trail off, glaring at Emily. She shrugs and continues eating her cereal.

"Do you want something for breakfast? I can make you something before I leave."

By the state she's in I can tell she's already late, so I decide to decline her offer.

"No thanks, I don't want to make you even more late."

"Even more?" She looks at the clock and gasps. "Oh my gosh! Okay, I need to go. Bye!" She yells as she runs into the garage to get her car.

I sit down next to my sister and grab an apple from the fruit basket that's in the middle of the table. "You're only eating an apple? Pssh, boring," She mumbles. I just roll my eyes and start getting up to go get ready.

I look into my closet for something warm. I have no idea what we're going to do today. He told me to dress warmly, something I already knew to do, but that was about it on the hints. The only option I have is layers, since I don't have anything naturally warm. My hands go towards a long-sleeved, red, band shirt, black jeans, and a black sweater to wear under my winter coat. I choose a scarf as well just in case.

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