Chapter 6

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Blake's POV

Three and a half months ago

"Blake, honey, can you please get ready? We have to leave soon!" My mother yells from downstairs.

I sigh and yell back, "I am ready! I'll be down in a second!" I grab my phone from my nightstand and walk downstairs.

My mother frantically runs over to me and hands me my jacket. I give her a thankful nod. When we walk outside, my mom opens the driver's door and sits down on her seat. I walk around to the passenger seat and get in. She starts the car and pulls out of our small driveway and onto the road.

"So, why are we going to this thing anyway?" I ask my mom.

She sighs in annoyance. "I already told you, Blake. We haven't seen your cousins in a while and they want to go out to dinner. They're your family and we need to spend time with each other. I promise you it'll be fun." Her brown eyes flash over to mine for a quick second before they settle back on the open road ahead of us.

"But it's a two hour drive!" I groan and throw my head back. "Couldn't they at least meet us halfway?" I look over at her and she sighs again, getting annoyed.

"We're family, and that means sacrificing our time for each other!" She yells at me. I see anger cross her eyes and I immediately throw in the towel.

I sigh and look out the window. Far away I see tall buildings. We live in outer Chicago, so our house is far away from the actual city.

I pull my earbuds out from my pant pocket and put them in my ears. Classic rock flows through my ears for the rest of the drive.

When we were fifteen minutes away from the restaurant it started to pour. Luckily, there was no thunder or lightning. I'm glad my mom handed me my jacket or else I would have forgotten it. Nevertheless, I'd never tell her that.

We pull into the restaurant's parking lot and park. I pull my hood over my head and sprint towards the doors. I hold it open for my mom, who ran as fast as she could in her heels. We walk in and I spot my cousins in a booth. They look up at us and beckon us over. The booth is in the corner which gives us view of the entrance.

"So, Blake, what have you been up to?" My cousin Ethan asks me.

All my cousins are a couple years older than me. My aunt and uncle died a year ago in a car crash, so they're the only family I actually get to see. My dad's family cut ties with us when my parents got a divorce and my dad moved to California six years ago. I haven't heard from my dad and them since.

"Nothing," I mumble, my head down, looking at the menu.

"Are you excited for the school year to end? You only have two weeks left." My other cousin, Greg says.

I don't answer, so my mom answers for me, "Of course he is! You know those teens; all they care about is their vacations!" A forced smile is stretched across her face.

Ethan and Greg both force a laugh and look down at their menus. The waitress comes over and takes our orders. The table is still silent and it isn't anything less than awkward.

"So Greg, you still looking for a new place?" My mom says, trying to break the silence.

"No, I just found one" He says.

My mom just looks down and smiles and awkward smile. "Oh, okay, that's great." Greg nods and pulls out his phone.

I lean over and whisper to my mom, "I thought you said it would be fun?" You can tell I'm getting irritated.

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