Chapter 4

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Soon enough, it was Friday. The day couldn't have come sooner. The two days before today and Tuesday went by in a flash, which I'm glad about. Today is the only thing I had planned this week/weekend.

I'm in the hallway at school on my way to seventh period, study hall. I have this class with Grayson. Over the past few days we've bonded even more. I thought when we went out tonight it would be extremely awkward, but now I'm confident that no matter what it'll be great.

The bell rings and I sit in my seat. Grayson still isn't here. He said something about having to help Blake with some sports thing after sixth period.

Blake and I still rarely talk. There is tension going on between us during lunch, but we decide to ignore it. Everyone else at the table just seems to be oblivious towards it. Which, I'm fine with. Everyone at the table is actually starting to talk to me. Kim has started to become good friends with Chris and I. Nobody else really notices Chris. Well, Sean has seemed to take an interest in her, but he denies it when anyone brings it up. You can see the way he looks at her when she talks animatedly about something random. Will has even said something about it to us, and we all know he knows him the best.

Even though Blake and I sit next to each other during history, we never talk. Even when she tells us to share. Eye contact is the closest contact we make. Just uttering one word starts something neither of us care enough about to finish.

Grayson still isn't in class and it's been about fifteen minutes. I'm starting to realize how dependent I've become on him. I'm becoming clingy and our first date is only tonight!

I start to look around for something to do. I don't need him to entertain me. Right? Yeah, sure whatever. There are a couple books around, so I walk towards the shelves. My fingers trail along the spines. My eyes roam around for any title that looks interesting. Nothing catches my eye, so I sit back down.

I put my head in my hands and close my eyes. The door opens and I hear the hinges creak. My head snaps up and what I've been hoping for shows up. Grayson walks up to the teacher and gives him his pass. She nods at him and takes the slip of paper out of his hands. He smiles his breathtaking smile at her and walks towards his seat, which happens to be right next to me. I look away, pretending to not have been creepily staring at him.

"Hey," Just one word already makes my stomach bundle in nerves.

"Hey," We sit there smiling goofily at each other before he breaks the trance and laughs. I laugh with him and soon we get into a conversation about some random topic.

Study hall ends sooner than I thought it would. I guess time does fly when you're having fun. I say bye to the teacher and walk out the door. I see Grayson try to catch up to me. He could do it really easily, but I slow down anyways.

"Are we still up for later?" I look at him and nod.

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it." He nods his head down in another direction.

"My locker is in the other direction, but is seven okay?" He sees my look of confusion and continues. "To pick you up."

"Oh, okay." I pull out a piece of paper and a pencil from my backpack and write down my address and phone number. "Here."

"Thanks. Bye"


I smile at him before he turns around and walks towards his locker.

Eighth period went by very slowly. Apparently looking at the clock the entire time does not make the hands move faster. When the final bell rang everybody shot out of their seats and ran towards the door. I stayed behind so I wouldn't get smashed in between everybody when they go through the door frame.

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