Chapter 21

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My stomach growls as I walk past the overwhelming plate of food my mother brought home from her work. Apparently they had a celebration because they had been doing well, so there was a lot of food involved. My mom thought it was a great idea to bring a bunch of it home and practically shove it in my face. She wanted to have a 'family dinner' because both of us can't remember the last time we ate together.

"I'm sorry mom, but I have a really bad headache," I lie to her. "Not to mention, I have an entire paper to write for my English class." And the lies continue.

She looks disappointed, but it quickly goes away and is replaced with excitement and realization. "That's totally fine sweetheart. I actually just remembered that some of my friends wanted to hang out tonight!"

I start walking up the stairs. "Have fun." She doesn't even acknowledge me as she runs past me to go and get ready.

A sigh escapes as I look at the roast beef and mashed potatoes on the table. My stomach twists and turns at the thought of me scarfing down that entire platter.

I haven't eaten anything since Friday afternoon when I ate an apple during lunch. Today is Sunday.

My plan is to lose a couple pounds. Maybe after that, Blake won't regret what happened and instead come crawling back. My current weight is 108 pounds and my goal is to be under 100.

Even though every part of my body tells me to go down the stairs and eat until dawn, I don't. Instead I go up until my room and try to forget about it.

I read enough for the thoughts of food to pass right through me. I'm half a book in when stars cloud my vision and my pulse starts rising. My heart beat climbs and climbs until I pass out.


Blake POV: Sunday afternoon

I haven't spoken to Genna since she came over to my house on Wednesday. I have yet to explain to her why I hastily decided to forget what happened. I really, really want to tell her, but I know it doesn't matter now.

She, apparently, recently got dumped by Grayson. He hasn't brought it up to anybody in the group yet and I don't think he's planning to. To me, it seems like he isn't even phased. He doesn't look sad nor does he act like it.

"I'm going out," I yell at my mom before quickly grabbing my jacket and leaving.

I've been his best friend for years now and I can't believe he didn't even tell me that he broke it off with Genna. We're supposed to be closer than that. Not to mention that I don't understand why he would do such a thing; he's lucky he even got her in the first place and then he let her go.

Grayson has been known to go to the gym at the high school every Saturday and Sunday morning. His reputation as quarterback is very important to him and doesn't believe in an 'off season'.

The twenty minute drive goes by quick when you're filled with fury. I don't know what I'm going to do, but I just know I need to get to the school. My only plan is to tell him off, so I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

My hands grab the unlocked doors that lead to the back of the school and throw them open. I stomp heavily through the school and enter the locker room, which leads to the workout area.

Right as I enter, I hear voices. I hide myself behind the lockers and listen in.

"Can you believe I got lucky enough to get with Jenny Gane last night?" Grayson says excitedly.

"Bro, I've been trying to get with her for weeks," Some jock named Andrew says. "You always get the hottest chicks."

"Yeah, I'm still jealous that you grabbed that Genna chick before any of us could," Another football player, James, says. "She's the hottest shit we've seen since Emily moved away."

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