Loosing A Friend

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-Liams P to the O. V.-

I can't fucking believe this. Well honestly, I can. Louis fucking Tomlinson is the biggest ass whole in this school.

He needs to be taught a lesson.

And I think I'll be the one to teach it to him.

I walked into my classroom, and sat next to my curly haired mate.

Maybe he has something to do with this. And if he does, I'll whoop his ass too.

"Harry, do you have anything to do with Louis hurting Niall?" I looked at him as if I had laser sharp eyes, trying to cut the information out of him.

"Well sort of... But I'm really sorry Li it was before you told me not to do anything."

I was about to say something back, but the bell rang and he shot right up, running out of the classroom probably telling Louis not to touch Niall again before I kill him.

But it's too late for that. Louis is going to pay for hurting my Niall.

Shit. My Niall. He can't know that or I'll die. Literally...

Oh fucking well I don't care. I'll just say he's like my brother or something. That'll be weird but what ever.

I was walking to my next class, when I saw him. Louis.

I pushed him up against the wall and his eyes went from sending fear to others, to fear itself.

"L-liam what are you doing?"

I punched him in the face to make him shut up.

"Don't fucking touch Niall."

He looked confused.

"Wh-what the the new k-kid?"

"Yes the new kid you ass whole," I said as I kneed him in the balls.

He slid down the wall, holding his balls and there were silent tears falling down his eyes.

Wow... Now I sort of feel bad.

"Look Lou I'm sorry but-"

He cut me off with a scoff, "L-leave me alone. Y-you can't c-call me Lou an-anymore."


"Well you just can't take your own medicine! You're just a fucking loser bully who has nothing to do but bully people. I hope you fucking get ran over by a car or something. Goodbye."

I saw his face fall and he started crying. Who cares. He deserves it! He's made sooo many cry before, so he can deal with it.

Sighing, I walked away to my other class.

Walking in, I saw Niall! Yaaaaaaaayy Nialler is in here. I smiled to myself, but saw who he was sitting next to.

Zayn Malik.

Zayn is another one of the bullies here. But... It looked like they were... Talking?

Confused, I sat next to them giving Zayn a weird look.

He gave me the same 'you touch him I'll kill you' look that I gave to Louis.

I looked at him confused, then wrapped a friendly arm around Niall.

Now Zayn's the one looking at me confused. Ha.


Guyses!! Haaayy :)

So what is going on with Zen?? (<- if you saw BSE you know why I called him Zen. Yup))

HAY SARAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go read her story. It's smorr243 I believe. It's a niam story :)


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