Sick Mum

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~ Nialls p.O.V.~

Today, I woke up to water being splashed on my face, by an unfamiliar person.

"Wake up peasants"

Peasants? Is she serious?

My mum immediately got up, and ran to the bathroom where I heard throwing up. Poor mum.

"We're up now get the fuck away from me"

I know I'll regret that later... But who cares.

"I wouldn't be talking to me like that. I'm more powerful then I look."

I found that hard to believe. She was short and scrawny, skinnier then... Well then most people. It was almost sickening.

"Yea. Can you leave now"

She chuckles, "Sure. Oh by the way, you'll be going to school tomorrow. And everyone already knows your gay. Hope you have fun with that, because I heard that it's pretty much the most homophobic school in this country." Then she laughs again, "I guess I wasn't thinking when I told your dad that it would be the perfect school for you!"

Then she leaves. What. I already have enough troubles at home, why here too?

I decided I'd go check on mum, see if she's okay.

I walked into the bathroom, to see a sight I never wanted to see.

She was laying on the floor, passed out with puke and blood all around her.

I screamed.

My "dad" rushed up here to see why I was interrupting him, and he actually seemed concerned for her. Probably because of the whole 'I'll kill myself if she's gone' thing.

He got on his phone, and began talking to who I think was 911, ((I don't know the emergency number for Wolverhampton so I just said the U.S. Number.)) but I had no clue because for.some reason, I couldn't hear a thing.

It was probably just my body blocking things out, because I'm so focused on my mum.

I didn't even know I was crying until I saw a tear of mine fall on her face.

Please mum.... Please be okay.

The ambulance got here, and rushed her to the truck where I was forbidden to go with her.

Stupid ass wholes. Stupid everything.

We got in the girlfriend's car, and drive off to the hospital. I was crying the whole way, and their conversation was not helping at all.

"She better not fucking die because then I'll have no one to beat gosh damn it." My "dad" whispered, even though he knew I could still hear.

"Well... We can always have a kid and you can beat it." The girlfriend said.

Looks like my dad has met his match.

"Yea but we'd have to wait a few years... If you beat a baby it'll die." I can't take much more of this.

"eh... We'll figure.something out. Adoption or something."

He nodded and with that, everything was silent besides my muffled cries. Thank god.

When we arrived, I ran in and straight to her room. I only knew what room she was on because the track of blood on the floor.


She was laying there, unconscious on a hospital bed, her body looking more fragile then ever.

I rushed to her side and held her close.

"Please mum... Please wake up."

"Hello sir are you related to Mrs. Horan in any way?"

Since when was a doctor in here?

I tried my best to tell him that I was her son, but all that came out was a weak "Yes"

"Okay well we need you to go to the visitors room so we can run some tests."

I'm so scared...

" O-okay t-thank y-you" I managed to stutter out.

"No problem. And sir? Your mum will be fine."

I smiled and hugged him whispering, "Thank y-you for g-giving me hope .."

"You're very welcome now you really have to go sir."

I mumbled another thank you, and ran to the waiting room.

"Come her son." I heard my father call out.

I sigh.

Does he really have to do this?

I sat next to him, but kept my distance.

"You need to go home."


No no no not today.

"What?! I'm NOT leaving her."

He just chuckles.

"Yes you are. Brandi is taking you home, then coming back here."


"What?! Why! I'm the only one that actually cares about her!!"

"Son, you know we all care about her. But you're leaving."

He pretended to be nice, because of the public. But I saw that evil glint in his eyes. Theres no way I'm leaving this hospital.

"No. I'm. Not."

Then, I think he's had enough because he grabbed my ear, pressed his lips to it, and starts whispering away.

"If you don't leave now, I'll make sure she doesn't come out of this hospital alive."

"You wouldn't."

"I would. Now leave without giving Brandi ANY problems."

Fuck. He's being serious. I guess I have to go.


I got up, and stormed out with Brandi hot on my tail.

I got in the car, and neither of us said a word until we got there.

"Go." She throws the keys at me. How nice!

I get out, and run upstairs to my new room and lay on my bed, crying.

I glance over at the clock, 515pm.

Wow... Time flies.

Wait a minute... Liam is out of school!

I run around the house, looking for a computer. Theres gotta be one somewhere in this mansion.

I open a door, and there it is. Well... There they are. This is a whole computer room!

I smile weakly, and with that I get on a computer and go straight to my email.



I wonder what happened.

Wait a second... I know what happened!!


Mkay so I can't reply to your comments... But thank you to the 1 person that commented.


Bye pebblets.

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