Another Bully

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~ Niall's P.O.v.~

-12: 45-

I was sitting in history class doing absolutely nothing, when some random dude walked in saying that the principal needed to talk to me.

He was actually pretty hot to be honest. He had caramel brown hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a blue and white striped shirt, red chinos, and some creme toms.

No Niall stop! Liam.

I shook my head, and stood up walking out towards the principal's office.

But by the time I was passing the bathroom, I felt something take my breath away. And not the good way.

Someone was choking me. When I was about to pass out, the arm let go of my neck, pushing me against the locker making my back let out which made me fall to the ground.

When I looked up, it was the guy who told me I was supposed to go to the principal's office.

" Hey you met Harry right?" He says as he kicks my stomach.

Oh. That's where this dude came from.

I tried to talk, but my voice gave out. So, I just shook my head yes.

"Oh good. Well I'm his buddy Louis. And oh boy I'm way worse then him."

And he punched me in the lip, instantly earning his knuckles a crimson red stain.

Then, he hit me in the gut twice, in the temple twice, and in each side twice.

Theres blood everywhere. The ring on his finger even cut my temple. It hurts so bad. Suddenly, this Louis dude was gone.

I glanced up at the hallway clock, and it said 12: 58. Liam should be here soon.

And I was right. He was by my side asking me so many questions my mind couldn't even contemplate.

I could only make out one. 'Baby who did this to you?'

I managed to stutter out his name, "L-l-louis..."

I heard him gasp, but then run his fingers through my hair.

"It's okay babe... I'll get him back for you. He's gonna pay."

What did he mean? I honestly don't care though because someones finally sticking up for me.

He wrapped me in his warm, comfortable, manly arms and picked me up, walking into the bathroom.

He sat me on the sink and got a paper towel wet.

Reaching his hand up slightly touching one of my cuts, he began talking softly.

"This might hurt a bit Ni but you gotta let me do it okay?"

I just nod, closing my eyes.

He brought the water to my cut rubbing around a bit. At first it stung, but it ended up not hurting at all.

After about thirty minutes he was done, and I felt 100% better.

"Thanks so much Li."

He smiled and pulled me in for a hug.

I hugged him back, and I swear I felt a hand on my arse. But it's okay because it felt... Nice.

After a while we pulled away, kissed for like a second, then left the bathroom, going to our classes.



Oh I'm soo just playing Louis is amazeballs <3


Adios meh pebblets :D

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