.Liams Story.

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Heyyy guys!! I plan on writing 3-4 chappies tonight :) Oh and by the way.. You all ((whoever actually reads this)) are called my pebblets.



~ Liams P.O.V.~


Oh great. Its my mother.

"One second!" I scoff

I hate my "parents". They've got me trapped in this tiny room with no windows, and a slot for my food. I feel like fucking Harry Potter.

I used to have the perfect life. My dad was the best person anyone could ever meet, and my mom was right up there with him. But it had to change. Why did he have to die?

I pick up the one picture of him that I'm allowed to have, and stare at it blankly remembering the day it was taken.

I had just turned 6 and my dad took me out for a father son day at the ice cream shop and then he surprised me with a visit to chuckie cheese.

((A/U chuckie cheese is a really kool place for kids. If you didn't know xD))

That was probably the best day of my life so far. Those days were just... Easier you know? No fighting, no.... Dying.

Anyways... After we got home from our little "date" as he liked to call it, he started spinning me in the air and that's when my cousin snapped a picture.

She was quite the picture taker... So it was a perfect picture.

He died about a week after this picture was taken.. Then my whole life went downhill from there.

My mom started doing drugs... And not just pot, all sorts of drugs. I'm not going to get into detail but...

Let me tell you I saw her pop pills, smoke things... And worst of all, inject things.

Then she met Rick. That's when the beatings started. I was about 10 when I realized I was gay, and that was the age he came into our life throwing not only sticks and stones my way, but trees and boulders.

When he found out I was gay... He thought that it would be "fun" if him and my mom beat me. So they did! And they still do too. Oh but its much MUCH worse.

Now that I'm 17, they think that I deserve worse beatings because I'm older. What kind of logic is that?! I mentally sigh, reminding myself that there are cameras in my room so I can't exactly act out the pain, or else.

One tear falls down my face as I look at my real father, but I quickly brush it away. They can't see me like this.


Fuck. I let go of the picture and throw on a pair of basketball shorts and open my door, practically running down the stairs.

Once I get to a point where I'm visibly seen by my so called mom and step dad, I trip. Of course. As soon as they see me, I'm already weak.

That's when I mentally scold myself for forgetting to put on a shirt, because I now have a rug burn across my chest.

"Well get up!" Rick spits. Literally spits. Like.. On me.

I get up brushing myself off and stand up straight trying.to look presentable, like a soldier would do when he's getting checked.

Rick walks up to me, very close, a bit to close for my liking I might add.

"We're having a party tonight, and you Mr. Ugly are going to be the maid." He pushes me against the wall, his arm to my neck, as my "mom" smirks sipping away at her margarita.

"Liam I expect you to say something."

Well what the fuck am I supposed to say to that?

"Um... I don't know what you "expect me" to say." I say in a harsh tone.

That might not have been the greatest idea, but I don't regret anything.

Until he punches my stomach, with full force might I add, and I slide down the wall clenching it and scream in pain.

"That's not what I wanted to hear. And now that you had to be rude to me... I might just accidentally lock you and my friend Barry, who will fuck anything with a whole on either side of the body, in the same room and tell him to "have his way with you" " he kicks my side forcefully, "how would you like that fag?"

No. This can't be happening...

" N-no p-please r-rick not my... N-not.my v-virginity"

He smirks. What the hell!? This man has some issues. Hell who am I kidding.. He's got a ton of issues!!

"Oh please Rick!" He says in a mocking tone, causing the evil witch to chuckle in the back ground, "not my virginity! Shut up and get upstairs before I beat the living shit out of your ugly ass!"

I get up, stumbling a bit but making it, and run upstairs to my "room and slide down my door, hugging my knees to my chest and think about how I've got it different then every other snob at my school.

I am not looking forward to tonight. I'm 17 and tonight is Saturday.

That's not right.

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