Car ride

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I feel like writing fluff so yeah :) Liam's mom will explain everything next chapter. Sorry this story is so... Everywhere XD LOLOL

LIAM'S POV !!!!!!!!---

As I was driving towards the closest airport, which was abut two to three hours away, when I realized that Niall probably needs some answers. We basically just picked his mum up and left.

"Hey Ni, do you want me to explain everything to you?" I said, glancing over to my right looking at him.

His head was laid back against the seat, and his hair was super messy. He looked at me with those memorizing blue eyes, and I swear my heart skipped a beat. More like it stopped.

He is pure perfection. The most beautifulest boy, no person, on earth. Not one person in this world could live up to his standards.

He's... He's Niall. That's more then perfect. It's like he's really an angle sent down from god to make my life complete.

Pulling me out of my thoughts, his admirable Irish voice responded to my question.

"Not right now Li... I don't really feel like talking about it. As long as I'm with you, I don't really care."

Wow.... That made me blush. Hopefully not too bad though because that's embarrassing to me.

He must've saw me blush, because he poked my cheek and chuckled out, "You're adorable Lili." Which made me blush more. Screw it I don't even care anymore.

"Thanks..." I breathed.

"Liam," my mom coughed, making me jump a bit. "Do you want me to drive?"

I was going to tell her no, and that it wasn't a big deal, but then I had a better idea.

Now's my chance to cuddle with my baby.

"Yeah... That'd be great." I said, hoping that maybe Maura would offer too.

Right when I was going to give up hope, Maura spoke up.

"And Ni I can switch you spots too, so Karen and I can catch up and listen to some tunes and so you too can talk and what not." She said, her voice cracking a bit towards the end causing her to cough it off.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Niall light up. "Yeah of course Mum! That'd be great!!" He said, the joy obvious in his voice.

His joy made me happy, which made me anxious to be with Niall in the back. So, I just pulled over on the side of the road.

No reason to drive more just to pull over at a rest stop.

I got out, not even bothering to turn the car off since we'd be taking off again soon. I walked around the back of the car, getting hit by the warm puffs of air coming from the engine.

I opened Niall's door, and held a hand out for him as if we were about to go on a date and I was trying to impress him.

He gladly took my hand, a huge vibrant smile plastered on his face, and hoped out.

I didn't realize it until Maura came to my side waiting for Niall and I to move to the back, but my mum was already in the passenger seat.

Niall and I walked hand in hand to the back seat, then got in.

I got in first, laying my legs out across the seats earning a confused look from Niall.

"Where am I supposed to sit?" He questioned, pouting adorably.

I just chuckled, and patted my lap. He came to a realization of what I was signaling for him to do, and he sat in between my legs shutting the door behind him.

I wrapped my arms around his frail body, and we took off.

Once we got back on the road, our mums completely zoned out talking to each other. If I said I was batman then flew out of the car, they wouldn't have noticed. Well, they probably would but you get the point.

Niall leaned his head against my chest, sighing happily.

I kissed the top of his head, his soft, messy blonde locks like heaven to my lips.

"I love you." I whispered, intertwining the fingers on our right hands.

He smiled up at me, and whispered right back, "I love you too Lili."

I just couldn't resist my deep feelings towards him anymore, so I did what I've wanted to do all day.

I leaned my head down, and attached his lips to mine.

Ecstatic fireworks went off in my head as his soft lips touched mine, and I felt like this moment;this kiss, could last forever.

Sadly, it didn't. After about ten seconds of pure harmony, he un attached our lips and rested his forehead on mine.

"Forever and always?" He whispered, looking deep into my eyes showing me that he truly does love me.

"Forever and always baby." I said, and we just sat there and looked at each other. No words, just pure love.

And in that moment I realized something. When you're loved.... Even the simplest things are beautiful.

The way Niall's eyes sparkle like a diamond in the right lighting. The way his brown roots stand out to make his dyed hair more interesting. The way the corner of his lip rises up when he's focused. His constant rosy cheeks.



Authors note:::!!!


SooooOoOoOoOOOOooo I want to see how many people actually read my authors notes...

SO! Comment the answer to the following question....

How old do you think I am? Ill post the answer next time I update ._.

And if you know the answer because you know me, then what's your favorite color?? XD XD

Ill post the answers next chapter:3

Oh by the way, I really liked this chapter. I don't even know why I just do okay! DNT you judge me:)

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