Touched for the very first time

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There will be smut. I shall warn you virgin minds.
~Nialls POVVvvvvv~

I've been here for about fifteen minutes, and Liam hasn't gotten here yet. I was getting up, ready to leave when I heard someone call my name, well my nickname.

"Nialler!" I heard, then suddenly, there were large strong arms wrapped around me and I smiled widely. I love this boy so much.

I hugged him back, and for a while we just sat there in each others arms. It wasn't awkward at all, it was comforting.

We pulled away, and looked into each others eyes. Every time I look into those chocolate brown eyes, I fall in love again. I can't believe I fell in love with this boy in less then a week. But looking into those eyes, I remember. I remembered how it happened. He saved me.

I draped my arms around his neck, and got up on my toes connecting our lips. His lips against mine is the greatest feeling ever. They're so soft and it makes my insides melt.

Sadly, we eventually had to pull away from the kiss. I got back down on my feet, and I could feel the blush on my cheeks. That happens every time we kiss. Like I said, greatest feeling ever.

"Ni... Instead of sleeping in a cave, can you just come to my house? My mom like completely changed and she said I could have the house to myself tonight because ricks out." Liam said. I completely lit up, and tackled him to the ground.

I laid on his chest, and put our foreheads together, smiling widely.

"Yes of course I'll stay at your house Lili!!!" I said, giggling quietly.

He smiled right back at me, just as wide. "Well good. Now get your leprechaun butt off of me so we can gooo!!" He joked.

I laughed, and stood up holding my hand out for Liam.

He chuckled slightly, warming my heart and taking my hand. He jumped up, and somehow managed to never let go of my hand. Skills.

We started walking, and since I had no clue where I was going I just held onto Liam's hand following him to his house.

We walked all the way there, talking about anything and everything. Just getting to know each other even better.

After about 15 minutes, we got to a nice looking house with no cars in the garage and no lights on. We're really here all alone.

"We're here love." Liam says, walking up to the front door unlocking it and basically dragging me in.

I just smiled, and looked around.

It's just a normal house, pretty decent in size. It's actually the perfect place to have a family. But then I thought that the family that lives her is pretty dysfunctional.

Shaking it off, I suddenly wanted to do something. Not anything specific, just something. "Hey Li... What do you want to do?" I asked, casually sitting down on a random couch in front of a tv.

"Well..." He said picking up a box type thing that looked like a movie case, then he showed it to me. Yup I was right. The titanic.

I smiled and practically screamed, "YES PUT IT IN NOW!!!"

He chuckled at my reaction, and popped it in. I laid back , my arms behind my head and put my legs out. Liam walked over to me, opened my legs, and sat between them. It sent chills down my back, just like every other touch does. Every time he touches me, it feels like I have been touched for the first time all over again.

I held onto him as the movie started, and I felt a bit out of place. Don't get me wrong, I love this and all but I feel like I should be the one being held onto.

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