.Nialls Story.

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Chappie numba 2!! So proud :') xD mkay so here goes niallers story. This is.deep so if you don't like.sad things then do not read. Use protection my pebblets



~Nialls P.O.V.~ ((this chapter has nothing to do with the last, besides the fact that they both happened at the same time))

My mum and I were relaxing on the couch, eating popcorn and not thinking about anything but the movie and being together. Not my drunken dad who's probably out having sex with hookers, not the bruises that are every where, not the past.

Just each other and the movie that was on. Which was Finding Nemo.

Neither of us cared what we we're watching. We were just so happy that my so called father left for the day and probably wouldn't be back until Monday. And its only Saturday...

That fact worried me though. What if he comes back... And I'm at school? I couldn't protect her.

But I couldn't even force myself to think about that. I was just too lost in the moment and happy, until I heard the door un lock.

"shit." I mumbled, picking my mom up and quietly walking up the stairs. She didn't say a word....she was probably too petrified.

I laid her down on the bed, and she was just about to say something but I put my finger to her lips.

"Mum," I whispered, "Stay here, I'll say you've fallen asleep."

She immediately shoots up shaking her head no vigorously, but I just lay her back down, covering her with a blanket.

"Go to sleep mum." I hear rumbles in the kitchen and things smashing, indicating that my dad is indeed, drunk. Like always.

I hesitantly walk out of the room, locking it behind me and sneak into my decent sized, plain room.

"NIAAAALL" my intoxicated dad screamed at an ear piercing rate, "GET DOWN HEEERRRE I GOTTA TELL YOU A SECRET!!"

I sighed, knowing I was in for a beating and started slowly walking downstairs.

Once I reached the bottomed step, my dad saw me and something in his eyes changed. It looked like... Pure evil. Oh shit.

"Hey Ni bear!" He tries to act as if he never turned on my mother and I, "Time for your present!" He them pulls out a gun. Or what looks like a-

"OWWW" I screamed falling to the ground clutching my stomach where the paintball had hit,

"You think that's bad?" He yelled as he kicked right where the paintball had instantly bruised my skin and I let out another yelp.

He just stands there, laughing. Then he crouches down beside me and moves some of my hair aggressively away from my face.

"You're so ugly! You look like your bitch mom!" No. I don't care what the fuck he does to me, but no one talks about my mom. So, I did the unthinkable.

With all my might, I flipped on top of him screaming at the top of my lungs in the process and I smacked him in the face. Shit...

"I-i'm..." I jumped off of him backing up into a corner "I'm s-sorry..."

He just smirks and stands up, grabbing a knife off of the kitchen counter. Fuck! What the hell does he have a knife for?!

He comes towards me and it looks as if he's about to end my life, which I would be just fine with if it wasn't for my mum. Its not like I have friends... Or any type of life that doesn't involve bullying or getting beaten.

"Come here niall."

He holds out his hand and I don't even try to move my hand to touch his dirty one... But he grabs my hand yanking me away from the corner, the knife getting dangerously close to me neck.

"Take your shirt off." He says as he throws me on the couch. What the fuck is he trying to do?

I'm not trying to die today... My mom would be even more miserable then she already is. She'd break. So, I do as he says and I take me shirt off. Then he sits on me, knife still in hand.

"P-please d-dont r-rape me..." I stutter out the words slowly and he just laughs.

"I would NEVER touch your ugly fat out of shape body! Are you kidding me?" He chuckles. WELL THEN WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!

"t-then w-why I-is m-my shirt off?"

"For this." He digs the knife into my stomach making me scream out in agonizing pain and I hear my mom shift in her bed. He keeps moving the.knife around my stomach and I'm crying and screaming bloody murder, pulling at his hair clawing at the sides of his face, doing anything to get him to stop.

But he doesn't. Not for about 15 minutes. It doesn't sound long, but when someone is digging a knife through your stomach it is.

When he was finally finished, there was.blood everywhere. But I knew I wasn't going to pass out because he only cut so deep to where it put me through excruciating pain, but it couldn't kill me, or make me pass out... Anything of that sort.

I looked down at his carvings and realized he carves words. Words like... Loser, and fag and things of that nature. But it all revolved around one word.


That's his name.

He walked into the kitchen, grabbed some vodka, and poured it over my cuts, making me scream louder then I did when he had actually cut into my skin.

But the alcohol surprisingly made the bleeding stop.

And that's when he passed out . He fell on the floor, he temple landing right next to the knife.

I wanted to just... Pick it up and stab right through his brain... But I just couldn't. I don't know why I just couldn't.

So instead, I slowly walked upstairs, wincing at each step I took until I got into my room.


*Le author is speaking*

I'm sorry

I'm sorry

I'm sorry



Next one will be Niam.


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